"Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus@gmail.com>
wrote on 10/30/2007 03:08:17 PM:
> So I don't see any "idea" that he's proposing; he's just
asking for
> clarification of what we're trying to do. Saying that a user wants
> have multiple paragraphs doesn't really explain *why*. What are they
> trying to do in the example you posted?
> I think we should perhaps use the outcome of this discussion to clarify
> the semantics of the different kinds of fields in ODF.
Thanks. IMHO, a use case should not be identical
to the technical proposal itself. In other words, a request to add
element <foo> to ODF cannot be adequately explained by saying "Two
customers want ODF to have element <foo>." We need to
take it up a level and talk about what the user is trying to accomplish
with this feature. If Florian can do that it will be a great help
to me and others who are trying to evaluate the proposal.