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Re: [office] Fwd: [opendocument-users] How to interpret the default-cell-style-name attribute in spreadsheets

  • 1.  Re: [office] Fwd: [opendocument-users] How to interpret the default-cell-style-name attribute in spreadsheets

    Posted 04-13-2006 14:26
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Fwd: [opendocument-users] How to interpret the default-cell-style-name attribute in spreadsheets

    Hi David,
    On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 13:25:58 +0100, David Faure wrote:
    > Can we address the following spreadsheet-related question?
    > [... table:default-cell-style-name attribute ...]
    I wonder why that popped up again after it was already discussed in
    some detail back in February, see
    > However, what isn't clear is whether this style should be used for
    > every cell in the column / row, including those which are
    > automatically created to fill in incomplete rows in the content.xml
    > file, or whether this style should only be used on cells that are
    > represented by a table-cell element in the content.xml file.
    Only to cells represented by table-cell elements, whether being
    "empty-repeated" or with content. There are no "automatically until end
    of row" cell elements in an ODF document to which the style attribute
    could apply.
    However, I second that the wording of the specification in 8.2.1 is
    a bit unfortunate and doesn't clarify on that, and the "Example: Table
    with three columns" following the definition of
    table:default-cell-style-name is not related.

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