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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Enterprise Technical Reference Model (ETRM) v 3.0

  • 1.  Commonwealth of Massachusetts Enterprise Technical Reference Model (ETRM) v 3.0

    Posted 03-23-2005 19:00
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    Subject: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Enterprise Technical Reference Model (ETRM) v 3.0

    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Information Technology Division has asked for input from OASIS and the Office TC on their revised ETRM. Public review closes April 1; I would like to ask that any comments you have be forwarded to me. OASIS staff will consolidate and then forward to our contact in the ITD.
    The most recent draft (v3.0) can be found here: http://www.mass.gov/itd/etrmversion3/techrefmodelv3.htm
    Thank you!
    Mary P McRae
    Manager of TC Administration
    phone: 603.232.9090
    cell: 603.557.7985

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