OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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SMIL animation. Accessibility.

  • 1.  SMIL animation. Accessibility.

    Posted 03-16-2007 09:40
    SMIL 2.0 at
    specifies a layout principle, such that a display area may be divided into
    n media presentations each in its own region.
     Thus in SMIL, I can present an animation, say moving
    graphics or a video, and in another area I can present an alternate media
    which is accessible  where the animation isn't. This might be audio or text
    as equivalents for the animated graphic. The principle is to avoid excluding
    those readers unable to access the animation.
    In ODF there appears to be no equivalent to SMIL regions.
    The animation in section 13 seems to have taken only the animation aspects of
    I would like to request that either the regions idea of SMIL 2.0 be
    introduced, or
    an equivalent mechanism added to aid accessibility.
    I would prefer the designers to propose details, but the principles should be
    accepted that any animation should prompt the document author to enter
    an alternate in another modality; the simplest being a text description.
    Dave Pawson