Dear TC members, I would like to summarize our work in the past weeks on the received comments for the ODF 1.2 PAS Submission for our reply to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34. We are tracking the received comments in our JIRA database. OFFICE-3865 ... -3873 had been created. The current status of each of these issues is the following from my point of view: - OFFICE-3865 - Request retention of ODF 1.1 as published standard proposed response: No action, we agree and up to JTC1 to retain the edition, corresponding OASIS edition will remain available. - OFFICE-3866 - Earlier XAdES edition referenced proposed response: We agree, but means to get there is under discussion Regina's investigation reveals that no substantial change had been made between version 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of XAdES - OFFICE-3867 - Earlier XmlDsig-Core edition referenced deeper investigations are needed - Rob and Patrick volunteered Dennis' input on the public comment list needs to be discussed - OFFCE-3868 - Earlier MIME media RFC edition referenced deeper investigations are needed - Patrick volunteered - OFFICE-3869 - Clarify relationship between digital signature and encryption clarification from national body requested - Chris volunteered Dennis' input on the public comment list needs to be discussed - OFFICE-3870 - Clarify singular nature of ds:Reference proposed response - We agree that this editorial error should be fixed as suggested. - OFFICE-3871 - Incorrect Type in ds:Reference looks like an editorial error - wrong URI used should be solved in relation to OFFICE-3866 - OFFICE-3872 - Request retention of ODF 1.1 as published standard more or less the same as OFFICE-3865 - OFFICE-3873 - Semantics of the interactions of the change-tracking elements are unclear clarification from national body requested - Chris volunteered should be solved in relation to our efforts going on in our Collab SC regarding Change Tracking Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards Oliver-Rainer Wittmann -- Advisory Software Engineer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Deutschland Beim Strohhause 17 20097 Hamburg Phone: +49-40-6389-1415 E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294