OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

  • 1.  Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-16-2007 23:09

    I received a request from a colleague on the Accessibility Subcommittee related to nested tables.  The request is for us to deprecate the use of the is-substable attribute in section 8.2.6.  This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the enhanced support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested tables.

    A more detailed analysis of the issue is here:


    I'll also add this to the Wiki.




    Rob Weir
    Software Architect
    Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
    IBM Software Group

    email: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
    phone: 1-978-399-7122
    blog: http://www.robweir.com/blog/

  • 2.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-17-2007 18:15
    On Sat, 2007-16-06 at 19:08 -0400, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > I received a request from a colleague on the Accessibility
    > Subcommittee related to nested tables.  The request is for us to
    > deprecate the use of the is-substable attribute in section 8.2.6.
    >  This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the
    > enhanced support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested
    > tables. 
    > A more detailed analysis of the issue is here: 
    > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-accessibility/200608/msg00048.html 
    The argument made in that message appears convincing if we only talk
    about text documents. In the case of spreadsheet documents, I disagree
    with the argument. While I am not aware of a current spreadsheet
    implementing subtables for spreadsheets, there is a useful use case for
    them as far as formulas are concerned that return arrays. In that case
    the addressing "problem" identified in msg00048.html is in fact
    desirable: it makes semantically much more sense to address the base
    location of the formula with sub indices for the individual parts,
    independent from the final screen presentation. 
    I think the real problem is that some word processor developers are
    using these sub tables for things that semantically are not subtables.
    This is little reason to weaken the odf format itself.
    "Liberty consists less in acting according to
    one's own pleasure, than in not being subject 
    to the will and pleasure of other people. It 
    consists also in our not subjecting the wills 
    of other people to our own."  Rousseau
    Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 3.  Fwd: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-17-2007 18:45
    In case someone doesn't receive the main list.
    Dave P.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 4.  Re: [office-accessibility] Fwd: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtableattribute

    Posted 06-18-2007 22:20

  • 5.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 15:36
    robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > > I received a request from a colleague on the Accessibility
    > > Subcommittee related to nested tables.  The request is for us to
    > > deprecate the use of the is-substable attribute in section 8.2.6.
    > >  This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the
    > > enhanced support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested
    > > tables. 
    > > A more detailed analysis of the issue is here: 
    > > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-accessibility/200608/msg00048.html 
    I do NOT agree that "is-subtable" should be deprecated.  I think that subtables are an important GOOD feature of ODF.  Instead, the problem appears to be that some ODF implementations do not provide sufficient control and discoverability of subtables when contrasted with cell spanning.  In other words, this is an implementation user interface issue, not a problem with the exchange format itself.  I suggest that the accessibility group work with implementors to find a better way to control and reveal subtables vs. spanning, and then document best practices for implementation user interfaces.
    Why should subtables continue to exist? Here are a few reasons:
    * Subtables are necessary for capturing the correct semantics of many existing documents, including those written in HTML and Docbook.  HTML supports BOTH spanning AND subtables, and yet in general is a weak format at capturing semantics.  A document format that can't even capture HTML correctly is REALLY weak.  Docbook also supports both spanning AND tables in tables (see EntryTbl).   OpenDocument should tend to support a _SUPERSET_ of the capabilities of legacy document formats, not a subset.
    * MANY existing OpenDocument tables use subtables.  They have been there since the beginning.  Losing this capability will mean the loss of ability to read or edit many existing files.
    * As practical matter, subtables are really useful for expressing formats and their relationships and are NOT simply "another way to do spans".  If you never edit a table, you can sortof work around the lack of subtables, but as soon as you start editing a table, the differences of spanning vs. subtables immediately come to light.  Having subtables AND spanning is very useful for expressing a table's semantic structure, which then translates cleanly into its presentation.  Which is why it's in HTML, Docbook, and other formats in the first place.
    * The lack of subtable support is a known serious weakness in Microsoft XML, and is one of the main things that various parties are appealing to Microsoft to fix.  It'd be horrific if OpenDocument _dropped_ one of its advantages, while a proprietary format _added_ that capability.
    Andreas said:
    > I think the real problem is that some word processor developers are
    > using these sub tables for things that semantically are not subtables.
    > This is little reason to weaken the odf format itself.
    Agreed.  If a user commands a program to "span" a cell over multiple cells, it should be saving that as a span, while if a user commands a program to "insert a table here" inside a cell, it should insert a new table.  In addition, there should be some sort of status display that shows the user where they are, one that is fully accessible (e.g., so the blind can know their current "location" in a table or subtable as they move into it).  I can see the accessibility document giving recommendations to implementors along these lines, recommending how to control and expose status so that blind users (in particular) can deal with them.
    Removing a powerful and useful utility from both the seeing and the blind hurts both.  Instead, let's make sure that both the seeing and the blind have full access (!) to powerful capabilities, ones that ALREADY exist in OpenDocument.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 6.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 16:44
    On 19/06/07, David A. Wheeler 

  • 7.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 16:52
    On Jun 16, 2007, at 7:08 PM, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the enhanced  
    > support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested tables.
    So the issue is not subtables per se, but rather how they are encoded  
    in the ODF XML. Can we perhaps avoid arguing about whether subtables  
    are important or not?
    > A more detailed analysis of the issue is here:
    > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-accessibility/200608/ 
    > msg00048.html
    Rob, one difficulty with the examples included in this document is they  
    are not pretty-printed with indent, so it's difficult to see the  
    structural issues. Would be nice to get this fixed somehow for what  
    discussion happens on this.

  • 8.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 17:25

    On 6/19/07, Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Jun 16, 2007, at 7:08 PM, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:

    > This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the enhanced
    > support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested tables.

    So the issue is not subtables per se, but rather how they are encoded
    in the ODF XML. Can we perhaps avoid arguing about whether subtables
    are important or not?

    > A more detailed analysis of the issue is here:
    > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-accessibility/200608/
    > msg00048.html

    That was my reaction too after reading the linked page. It sounds like the issue may be more limited than deprecating nested tables entirely; as described it seems instead to be a need to deprecate their use for implementing table cell splits and joins.

    I'm guessing that this would improve round-tripping with both WordPerfect and MS Word, neither of whose page layout engines support nested tables. But I'm wondering if a partial deprecation along such lines would necessarily resolve all related accessibility issues?

    I'm also wondering if a partial deprecatation would also resolve all relevant difficulties in mapping between ODF apps and Word/WordPerfect. E.g., what might an ODF plug-in for MS Word do with a document generated in an ODF app that contains a nested table do with the nested table when importing such a document into Word?

    Are we back to needing to discuss an interoperability subset of ODF with compatibility modes in the ODF apps?

  • 9.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 18:09
    On Tue, 2007-19-06 at 12:51 -0400, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
    > On Jun 16, 2007, at 7:08 PM, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > > This attribute does not work well with screen readers and the enhanced  
    > > support we have in ODF 1.1 and 1.2 is preferred for nested tables.
    > So the issue is not subtables per se, but rather how they are encoded  
    > in the ODF XML. Can we perhaps avoid arguing about whether subtables  
    > are important or not?
    Based on the examples in msg00048.html, the discussion _is_ subtables
    per se. The proposed "solution" does not involve any subtables. Of
    course, in the chosen example, there is no semantic reason for the
    subtable which makes the argument seem reasonable.
    > > A more detailed analysis of the issue is here:
    > >
    > > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-accessibility/200608/ 
    > > msg00048.html

  • 10.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 18:31
    On 6/19/07, Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 11.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-19-2007 18:43
    On Tue, 2007-19-06 at 14:31 -0400, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
    > On 6/19/07, Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 12.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-20-2007 08:30
    my understanding of the request is that the use of the is-subtable 
    attribute defined in section 8.2.6 should be deprecated, but not sub 
    tables in general.
    The reason is that, if this attribute is used in combination with 
    sub-tables to represent merged cells, that these tables are not accessible.
    I do understand that argument, and therefore support the request to 
    deprecate the attribute. What I'm wondering is whether we should 
    deprecate the attribute in general, or whether we should only deprecate 
    the use of this attribute for the purpose of merging cells.
    What the attribute does is to visually merge nested tables into the 
    surrounding table. If we consider this to be a reasonable feature, then 
    we should only deprecate the use of this feature to represent merged 
    cells. If we think no one ever needs this feature, then we may deprecate 
    it in general. I actually have a slight preference for the first option, 
    and my (maybe wrong) impression is that this is actually what is 
    requested by the A11y SC.
    BTW: OOo has been adapted recently to support vertically merged cells 
    without using nested tables. That means, it will use the 
    number-rows-span attribute instead of nested tables for vertically 
    merged cells in the future:
    For horizontally merged cells number-of-cols-spans has been used already.
    Best regards
    Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
    > On Tue, 2007-19-06 at 14:31 -0400, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
    >> On 6/19/07, Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 13.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-20-2007 15:11
    Michael Brauer:
    > my understanding of the request is that the use of the is-subtable 
    > attribute defined in section 8.2.6 should be deprecated, but not sub 
    > tables in general.
    > The reason is that, if this attribute is used in combination with 
    > sub-tables to represent merged cells, that these tables are not accessible.
    > I do understand that argument, and therefore support the request to 
    > deprecate the attribute. What I'm wondering is whether we should 
    > deprecate the attribute in general, or whether we should only deprecate 
    > the use of this attribute for the purpose of merging cells.
    I recommend #2.
    I believe this attribute should be "deprecated" only in the sense that it should not be used to merge cells when spanning was intended instead.  But it should NOT be truly deprecated (option #1), because having a table merge into a larger table is semantically different, and it's a useful sementic differentiation to make.  The problem is not that the concept (fully merged subtables) is useless; the problem is overuse of one construct (subtables with hidden borders) when spanning was intended instead.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 14.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-20-2007 18:04

    I have requested that the Accessibility Subcommittee send some one to a future TC meeting to discuss this further.  The proposal obviously raises more concerns than I had thought.



    Rob Weir
    Software Architect
    Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
    IBM Software Group

    email: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
    phone: 1-978-399-7122
    blog: http://www.robweir.com/blog/

  • 15.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-21-2007 06:39
    I have just noticed that my mail was confusing:
    First, I wrote:
     > What I'm wondering is whether we should
     > deprecate the attribute in general, or whether we should only deprecate
     > the use of this attribute for the purpose of merging cells.
    Later on, I wrote:
     > What the attribute does is to visually merge nested tables into the
     > surrounding table. If we consider this to be a reasonable feature, then
     > we should only deprecate the use of this feature to represent merged
     > cells. If we think no one ever needs this feature, then we may deprecate
     > it in general. I actually have a slight preference for the first option,
    That means, I have changed the order of option:-(
    So, my preference is to deprecate the feature only to represent merged 
    cells, too.
    David A. Wheeler wrote:
    > Michael Brauer:
    >> my understanding of the request is that the use of the is-subtable 
    >> attribute defined in section 8.2.6 should be deprecated, but not sub 
    >> tables in general.
    >> The reason is that, if this attribute is used in combination with 
    >> sub-tables to represent merged cells, that these tables are not accessible.
    >> I do understand that argument, and therefore support the request to 
    >> deprecate the attribute. What I'm wondering is whether we should 
    >> deprecate the attribute in general, or whether we should only deprecate 
    >> the use of this attribute for the purpose of merging cells.
    > I recommend #2.
    > I believe this attribute should be "deprecated" only in the sense that it should not be used to merge cells when spanning was intended instead.  But it should NOT be truly deprecated (option #1), because having a table merge into a larger table is semantically different, and it's a useful sementic differentiation to make.  The problem is not that the concept (fully merged subtables) is useless; the problem is overuse of one construct (subtables with hidden borders) when spanning was intended instead.
    > --- David A. Wheeler
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Marcel Schneider, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 16.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-21-2007 18:10
      |   view attached

  • 17.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-21-2007 18:10

  • 18.  Re: [office] Recommendation to deprecate the is-subtable attribute

    Posted 06-22-2007 07:35
    On Thu, 2007-21-06 at 13:12 -0500, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
    > We have been following the discussion and there is an indication that
    > table:is-subtable is used for other purposes. Can the group provide
    > some woking examples as we are not aware of problems of it's use
    > elsewhere?
    Not quite: there is an indication that table:is-subtable _could_ be
    useful for other purposes. One example that comes to mind could be
    implementation in which the results of array-valued formulas is stored
    in a subtable. The cells in such a result are semantically closely
    related to each other and so it is easy to imagine an implementation in
    which they are stored as a subtable. When presented on screen that
    subtable would then be overlayed over the regular spreadsheet table. In
    this case the sub numbering of the cells in that subtable would nicely
    match the current indexing of the cells in most spreadsheet
    For example think of LINEST in MS Excel, Gnumeric, OpenOffice, etc. 
    "Liberty consists less in acting according to
    one's own pleasure, than in not being subject 
    to the will and pleasure of other people. It 
    consists also in our not subjecting the wills 
    of other people to our own."  Rousseau
    Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta