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Subject: Re: [office] Chart proposal [legend-position]
On Monday 01 December 2003 15:46, Daniel Vogelheim wrote:
> The first (and I think more elegant) to put this into two values
> would be to specify the main placement in four directions (just
> like now), but add an alignment attribute. Example: placement is right,
> and alignment is any of start/center/end.
> +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
> +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
> These three would correspond to KOffice's TopRightRight, Right, and
> BottomRightRight. The good thing is that this new alignemnt would be an
> additional hint, and applications would get reasonable results even
> if they wouldn't know how to interpret the alignment.
> The problem with this suggestion is that the corner case (e.g. BottomRight)
> don't really fit in. These are arguably the least useful of the cases
> (because they leave so little room for the chart itself);
Possibly. I guess we have them for a reason though (who knows - the user can
put big labels in the additional room).
> they could be accomodated by making an additional alignment values
Yes, what about two more values... Ah I see: it has to be only one, otherwise
there are two ways to model the "bottom right corner" case.
> such as
> corner-clockwise, which would place the legend into the next corner
> (clockwise) from the main position. That is, admittedly, a bit ugly.
Maybe another attribute, a boolean named like "corner placement", which would
only be applicable if alignment is start or end?
Although here again we'd have two way to model each corner.
And if we state that it's only applicable if alignment is 'end', then this is just
like the corner-clockwise solution, with a different name and another attribute :)
Not sure which final solution is best, but I think it should be this proposal
with a solution for corners....
David FAURE,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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