OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report

    Posted 11-13-2013 06:12
    Dear members of the OpenDocument TC: As we prepare for the PAS submission of OpenDocument ("ODF") version 1.2 to ISO/IEC JTC 1, please review the attached draft Explanatory Report, which will serve as the transmittal shared with all voting JTC 1 members as part of their PAS ballot. We believe that the draft is close to final, and has benefited already from input and review from a number of TC members.  Comments should be shared back with this TC list.  Please note also that JTC 1 has modified its requirements for the referencing of external non-de-jure specifications, as described in new Standing Document 5 (Normative References), which can be found in the posted JTC1 rule packages here: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=9384365&objAction=browse&sort=name We have conferred with your TC chairs regarding which references in ODF v1.2, if any, may require updating or explanation, according to that new rule, and I understand this topic will be raised at a TC meeting in the near future. Finalization of the Explanatory Report and the foregoing matters are the last required steps, prior to our seeking a ballot from the JTC 1 Secretariat.  Please feel free to contact either Chet Ensign or myself, or your TC chairs, if you have any questions or comments.  Kind regards    Jamie Clark James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark Attachment: Explanatory-Report-OASIS-submission-ODF-1_2-DRAFT 2013-11.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

  • 2.  RE: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report

    Posted 11-19-2013 04:18
    Hi all – we reviewed this document and I believe there’s a small issue in Annex A. It mentions two numbered committee documents (N 1148 and N 1149) but attributes these to SC38. I believe it is intended to reference the SC34 documents with those numbers. These describe the joint maintenance process and are available on the ISO LiveLink site (links: 1148 and 1149 ). It requires a valid ISO committee membership login.   There is also a minor typo on page 6 in the sentence “… commercial software products. including …” – the period should, I think, be a comma.   Chris   From: office@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:office@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Jamie Clark Sent: 12 November 2013 22:12 To: office Cc: Rob Weir; Patrick Durusau; Chet Ensign Subject: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report     Dear members of the OpenDocument TC: As we prepare for the PAS submission of OpenDocument ("ODF") version 1.2 to ISO/IEC JTC 1, please review the attached draft Explanatory Report, which will serve as the transmittal shared with all voting JTC 1 members as part of their PAS ballot. We believe that the draft is close to final, and has benefited already from input and review from a number of TC members.  Comments should be shared back with this TC list.  Please note also that JTC 1 has modified its requirements for the referencing of external non-de-jure specifications, as described in new Standing Document 5 (Normative References), which can be found in the posted JTC1 rule packages here: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=9384365&objAction=browse&sort=name We have conferred with your TC chairs regarding which references in ODF v1.2, if any, may require updating or explanation, according to that new rule, and I understand this topic will be raised at a TC meeting in the near future. Finalization of the Explanatory Report and the foregoing matters are the last required steps, prior to our seeking a ballot from the JTC 1 Secretariat.  Please feel free to contact either Chet Ensign or myself, or your TC chairs, if you have any questions or comments.  Kind regards    Jamie Clark James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark  

  • 3.  Re: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report

    Posted 11-19-2013 15:35
    Noted and corrected with thanks.  JBC James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Chris Rae < Chris.Rae@microsoft.com > wrote: Hi all – we reviewed this document and I believe there’s a small issue in Annex A. It mentions two numbered committee documents (N 1148 and N 1149) but attributes these to SC38. I believe it is intended to reference the SC34 documents with those numbers. These describe the joint maintenance process and are available on the ISO LiveLink site (links: 1148 and 1149 ). It requires a valid ISO committee membership login.   There is also a minor typo on page 6 in the sentence “… commercial software products. including …” – the period should, I think, be a comma.   Chris   From: office@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto: office@lists.oasis-open.org ] On Behalf Of Jamie Clark Sent: 12 November 2013 22:12 To: office Cc: Rob Weir; Patrick Durusau; Chet Ensign Subject: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report     Dear members of the OpenDocument TC: As we prepare for the PAS submission of OpenDocument ("ODF") version 1.2 to ISO/IEC JTC 1, please review the attached draft Explanatory Report, which will serve as the transmittal shared with all voting JTC 1 members as part of their PAS ballot. We believe that the draft is close to final, and has benefited already from input and review from a number of TC members.  Comments should be shared back with this TC list.  Please note also that JTC 1 has modified its requirements for the referencing of external non-de-jure specifications, as described in new Standing Document 5 (Normative References), which can be found in the posted JTC1 rule packages here: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=9384365&objAction=browse&sort=name We have conferred with your TC chairs regarding which references in ODF v1.2, if any, may require updating or explanation, according to that new rule, and I understand this topic will be raised at a TC meeting in the near future. Finalization of the Explanatory Report and the foregoing matters are the last required steps, prior to our seeking a ballot from the JTC 1 Secretariat.  Please feel free to contact either Chet Ensign or myself, or your TC chairs, if you have any questions or comments.  Kind regards    Jamie Clark James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark  

  • 4.  Re: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report

    Posted 11-19-2013 15:42
    Your committee chairs and editors were very helpful in identifying whether all of the external references in the specification comply with the now-more-strictly-enforced JTC 1 rules about the provenance of normative references to external specifications.  Only two were identified as needing attention:  One is to a book, "Inside OLE", and can be addressed by an appropriate bibliographic reference; the other, to the Dublin Core Metadata, can be fixed by updating the reference to its JTC 1 version: ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011.   Do I understand correctly that this latter reference is being made by the editors and approved by the TC as an nonsubstantive edit as part of the submission preparation? Cordially JBC James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society  http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark   www.identi.ca/JamieXML www.twitter.com/JamieXML http://t.sina.cn/jamiexml http://www.slideshare.net/jamiexml http://facebook.com/oasis.open On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Chris Rae < Chris.Rae@microsoft.com > wrote: Hi all – we reviewed this document and I believe there’s a small issue in Annex A. It mentions two numbered committee documents (N 1148 and N 1149) but attributes these to SC38. I believe it is intended to reference the SC34 documents with those numbers. These describe the joint maintenance process and are available on the ISO LiveLink site (links: 1148 and 1149 ). It requires a valid ISO committee membership login.   There is also a minor typo on page 6 in the sentence “… commercial software products. including …” – the period should, I think, be a comma.   Chris   From: office@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto: office@lists.oasis-open.org ] On Behalf Of Jamie Clark Sent: 12 November 2013 22:12 To: office Cc: Rob Weir; Patrick Durusau; Chet Ensign Subject: [office] Fwd: Planned PAS Submission of OASIS ODF v1.2 to JTC 1: draft explanatory report     Dear members of the OpenDocument TC: As we prepare for the PAS submission of OpenDocument ("ODF") version 1.2 to ISO/IEC JTC 1, please review the attached draft Explanatory Report, which will serve as the transmittal shared with all voting JTC 1 members as part of their PAS ballot. We believe that the draft is close to final, and has benefited already from input and review from a number of TC members.  Comments should be shared back with this TC list.  Please note also that JTC 1 has modified its requirements for the referencing of external non-de-jure specifications, as described in new Standing Document 5 (Normative References), which can be found in the posted JTC1 rule packages here: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=9384365&objAction=browse&sort=name We have conferred with your TC chairs regarding which references in ODF v1.2, if any, may require updating or explanation, according to that new rule, and I understand this topic will be raised at a TC meeting in the near future. Finalization of the Explanatory Report and the foregoing matters are the last required steps, prior to our seeking a ballot from the JTC 1 Secretariat.  Please feel free to contact either Chet Ensign or myself, or your TC chairs, if you have any questions or comments.  Kind regards    Jamie Clark James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark