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Subject: Re: [office] Placement of automatic styles definition
On Monday 10 May 2004 16:43, Michael Brauer wrote:
> Hi David,
> David Faure wrote:
> > Both document-content (content.xml) and document-styles (styles.xml) can hold automatic styles.
> > The specification says more particularly, though, that
> > document-styles contains "[...] automatic styles used in the styles themselves"
> > and
> > document-content contains "automatic styles used in the content".
> >
> > But is it allowed to define all automatic styles in document-styles (styles.xml)?
> I don't think that this should be allowed. The idea behind having two
> automatic styles sections is that the styles.xml can be exchanged
> without any impact on the content.xml. Or to be more precise: The
> automatic styles defined in the styles.xml are the ones that belong to
> the content of master styles only, while the ones specified in the
> content.xml are the ones that belong to the content of the document
> itself. If for instance a master page has to be exchanged, then this can
> be done by rewriting styles.xml only. If the automatic styles of
> styles.xml contain the ones for master styles only, then the automatic
> styles of the current master styles can be created from scratch. It is
> not required to take automatic styles that are referenced from the
> content into account.
I understand. I have another suggestion then: how about allowing, optionally,
to define the automatic styles in another file, say autostyles.xml ?
This wouldn't make anything more complex on reading (one would read it after
styles.xml and before content.xml to get the old behavior), but it would be simpler
and more efficient when generating a document, since the content could be
written to content.xml while iterating over it, and while doing that, one can
generate automatic styles in memory and flush them out to autostyles.xml at the end.
This is to avoid having to buffer content.xml in memory during the saving.
David Faure,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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