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Proposal for underlining/crossing-out

  • 1.  Proposal for underlining/crossing-out

    Posted 09-25-2003 13:42
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    office message

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    Subject: Proposal for underlining/crossing-out

    Dear TC members,
    as agreed in the last TC meeting, following are two proposals for an 
    undelining and crossing out specification that is based on CSS3. The 
    proposals are the ones that David Faure posted some time ago (see
    except that the value 'thick' of the "text-underline-width" attribute 
    has been replaced with a value 'bold' (in proposal 1) or has been added 
    to the attribute (in proposal 2).
    Proposal 1
    We replace the style:text-underline and style:text-crossing-out 
    attributes with the following text formatting properties:
    style:text-underline-type: none | single | double
    style:text-underline-style: none | solid | dotted | dashed | long-dash |
                                 dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave
    style:text-underline-width: auto | bold
    style:text-line-through-type: none | single | double
    style:text-line-through-style: none | solid | dotted | dashed |
                                    long-dash | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash |
    style:text-line-through-width: auto | bold
    Proposal 2
    We replace the style:text-underline and style:text-crossing-out 
    attributes with the following text formatting properties:
    style:text-underline-type: none | single | double
    style:text-underline-style: none | solid | dotted | dashed | long-dash |
                                 dot-dash | dot-dot-dash | wave
    style:text-underline-width: auto | bold | <normal> | <number> |
                                 <length> | <percentage> | thin | medium |
    style:text-line-through-type: none | single | double
    style:text-line-through-style: none | solid | dotted | dashed |
                                    long-dash | dot-dash | dot-dot-dash |
    style:text-line-through-width: auto | bold | <normal> | <number> |
                                 <length> | <percentage> | thin | medium |
    The difference between these proposals are only the "text-*-width" 
    attributes that in the first case take only the values that are known to 
    be supported by existing office applications, and in the second case 
    take the full range of CSS3 values.
    The meaning of these attributes is the one described in the CSS3 draft:
    with the following exceptions:
    - "style:text-*-style" do not have a value "double". Instead of this, 
    the "style:text-underline-type" and "style:text-line-through-type" 
    attributes have been introduced that allow to duplicate all line styles.
    - "style:text-*-style" has an additional value "long-dash"
    - "style:text-*-width" has an additional value "bold". It specifies a 
    line width that is calculated  from the font sizes like an "auto" width, 
    but is wider than an auto width.
    The original proposal also included the attributes text-underline-color 
    and text-underline-mode, that are not mentioned here, because they are 
    already in the specification (text-underline-mode has been added in the 
    25-Aug meeting). In the 25-Aug meeting, it also been agreed to enhance 
    the crossing out specification for crossing out with characters and to 
    enhance the tab-stop specification to support leading lines. Since the 
    proposal for this
    was based on David's propoposal, no further changes seem to be required 
    to this proposal.
    If no one objects, I will start a voting about the above proposals 
    tomorrow (Friday, the 26th) with the following options:
    1) I agree to proposal 1
    2) I agree to proposal 2
    3) I disagree to both proposals
    4) I concur to the majority of votes
    The voting wil be open until Friday, the 3rd of October.
    Best regards

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