OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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[office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Agenda August 8th, 2005

  • 1.  [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Agenda August 8th, 2005

    Posted 08-05-2005 13:41
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    office message

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    Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Agenda August 8th, 2005

    OpenDocument TC
    Agenda Phone Conference August 1th, 2005
    The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next
    meeting on Monday, August the 8th, at 8am PDT (3pm GMT).
    The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
    Please notify the TC mailing list if you are not able to attent to the
    con call, so that the con call can be moved if necessary.
    Time (PDT)      Topic
    ----------      -----
    8:00-8:05       Roll Call
    8:05-8:10       Approval of last meeting's minutes, action item review
    8:10-8:55	Discussion of fata base front end proposal
    8:55-9:00       New Action-Item Review
    Best regards

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