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Date and Timezone: draft text

  • 1.  Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-05-2008 17:40
    Here's draft text to clarify that timezone is NOT recorded
    in the formula work; comments?  I intend to put this in the section
    on Date and Datetime subtypes.  This will (hopefully) resolve the issue,
    as discussed in the last TC teleconference.
    The Date and Datetime subtypes (number of days since the
    beginning of the epoch) do not include a mechanism for recording the
    time zone.  Instead, these subtypes only presume that all
    date or datetime values use the same unspecified time zone.
    Document creators CAN use formulas to do time zone
    translations using formulas, and CAN decide on a particular single time zone
    such as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) when developing a particular document.
    Similarly, the Date and Datetime subtypes do not include a mechanism
    for distinguishing the value of a leap second and the following second,
    and presume that every day is exactly 24 hours long.
    --- David A. Wheeler 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-05-2008 18:47
    2008/7/5 David A. Wheeler 

  • 3.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-05-2008 20:59
    Dave Pawson:
    > Outsider view.
    > Not a solution. Just more of an interop problem.
    > Use iso8601 inclusive of TZ.
    We already use ISO 8601, which supports indicating timezones.
    Timezone information is _optional_ in ISO 8601, though,
    so _not_ indicating the timezone is _still_ compatible with ISO 8601.
    There is no timezone data in the built-in "Date" type of spreadsheets.
    Writing out a timezone marker (such as "Z" for UTC) would be WRONG,
    because there is NO such information in a spreadsheet.
    I think it'd be great to extend spreadsheets to provide proper
    support for timezones, but that turns out to be:
    1. Nontrivial.
    2. Implemented by NO spreadsheets
    I think it'd be inappropriate to do major surgery on a basic
    type when there's no experience with such changes.  Let's standardize
    on where there _IS_ agreement first.
    I can imagine ways to add timezone information.
    Perhaps there could be an additional value attached to the table
    or sheet that would indicate the epoch and "default display"
    timezones [+/-]xx:yy.  Then you could format displays to
    use the "epoch timezone", "default display timezone", or
    "UTC".  Another approach, which isn't
    inconsistent with this, would be to add functions to do timezone
    conversions into strings (so display can be controlled).
    Others can probably imagine several more.
    But I think it would _wrong_ to standardize what are, essentially,
    unproven experiments.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 4.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 01:54

    "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@gmail.com> wrote on 07/05/2008 02:46:54 PM:

    > 2008/7/5 David A. Wheeler <dwheeler@dwheeler.com>:
    > > Here's draft text to clarify that timezone is NOT recorded
    > > in the formula work; comments?  I intend to put this in the section
    > > on Date and Datetime subtypes.  This will (hopefully) resolve the issue,
    > > as discussed in the last TC teleconference.
    > Outsider view.
    > Not a solution. Just more of an interop problem.
    > Use iso8601 inclusive of TZ.

    Interop with what?  If no existing spreadsheet handles time zones on datetime values, then how can doing the same thing introduce interop problems?  


  • 5.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-06-2008 15:49

    For reference, here is how OOXML defines it:


    18.17.4 Dates and Times

    Each unique instant in SpreadsheetML time is stored as an ISO 8601-formatted string, which is made up of a date component, a time component, and a timezone component. Numerous functions take dates and/or times as arguments. Functions that care only about the date shall ignore any time information that is provided. Functions that care only about the time shall ignore any date information
    that is provided.

    [Example: The date 22 November 1976 at exactly 08:30 Pacific Standard Time (+08:00 UTC) could be represented in the following (non-exhaustive list of) ways within SpreadsheetML:


    end example]

    For compatibility with existing spreadsheet applications, a consuming application should allow certain numeric serial values to be interpreted as dates and times for display or for use in calculations. These values should behave as defined in §, §, and §


    However, it then says in


    "A serial value represents a UTC date and time, and, as such, has no timezone information."


    No Excel versions (that I'm aware of) support ISO 8601 dates as described in 18.17.4.  They all use the date serial numbers and treat these serial numbers as described in, where date serial numbers represent a UTC data/time with no timezone info.

    Consider what would happen if dates were treated as having serial numbers.  I enter annual, sales forcastes in a spreadsheet, 1/1/2000, 1/1/2001, 1/1/2002, etc.  I format them to show only the date, not the  time.  But internally they are stored as 2000-01-01T00:00:00+5:00.  I send the spreadsheet to someone in Chicago, one time zone to the West from me.  If displayed in local time, the dates will all display a year earlier.  And all calculations looking at just the year value would be wrong. Why? Because midnight January 1st corresponds to 11pm December 31st the prior year.

    This can be fixed.   It would require that we also add a setting for dates, orthogonal to the display format, that tells what timezone to show the date value in.  Local time zone?  A specific time zone?  Original time zone?

    However, I do not recommend doing this for ODF 1.2.  First, no existing spreadsheet application does timezone calculations with datetime values.  Second, our goal for the first release of OpenFormula was to precisely and accurately describe the way spreadsheet formulas currently work.  

    David, I wonder if we want to explicitly state that the OpenFormula dates are explictly in UTC instead of "unspecified time zone"?  This would give us something definite to work with if we decided to add timezone sensitivity in a future version.


    "David A. Wheeler" <dwheeler@dwheeler.com> wrote on 07/05/2008 01:39:48 PM:

    > Here's draft text to clarify that timezone is NOT recorded
    > in the formula work; comments?  I intend to put this in the section
    > on Date and Datetime subtypes.  This will (hopefully) resolve the issue,
    > as discussed in the last TC teleconference.
    > =====
    > The Date and Datetime subtypes (number of days since the
    > beginning of the epoch) do not include a mechanism for recording the
    > time zone.  Instead, these subtypes only presume that all
    > date or datetime values use the same unspecified time zone.
    > Document creators CAN use formulas to do time zone
    > translations using formulas, and CAN decide on a particular single time zone
    > such as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) when developing a
    > particular document.
    > Similarly, the Date and Datetime subtypes do not include a mechanism
    > for distinguishing the value of a leap second and the following second,
    > and presume that every day is exactly 24 hours long.
    > --- David A. Wheeler
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    > generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
    > at:

  • 6.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-06-2008 17:34
    Rob Weir:
    >However, I do not recommend doing this for ODF 1.2.  First, no existing
    > spreadsheet application does timezone calculations with datetime values.
    > Second, our goal for the first release of OpenFormula was to precisely
    > and accurately describe the way spreadsheet formulas currently work.
    > David, I wonder if we want to explicitly state that the OpenFormula dates
    > are explictly in UTC instead of "unspecified time zone"?  This would give
    > us something definite to work with if we decided to add timezone
    > sensitivity in a future version.
    I think that's WORSE.  Almost no spreadsheet documents actually
    use UTC, so it would be a lie.  It'd also make it hard to add real
    timezone support later.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 7.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 01:54

    > > David, I wonder if we want to explicitly state that the OpenFormula dates
    > > are explictly in UTC instead of "unspecified time zone"?  This would give
    > > us something definite to work with if we decided to add timezone
    > > sensitivity in a future version.
    > I think that's WORSE.  Almost no spreadsheet documents actually
    > use UTC, so it would be a lie.  It'd also make it hard to add real
    > timezone support later.

    Thinking out loud here.

    My main concern is that functions like HOUR()and MINUTE() which extract the hour or minute value from a datetime value are unambiguous.  If we throw in time zones, then I think we lose that.  (What is HOUR(15:27:46+01:00) in Bangalore, India?)

    ISO 8601 states that the notation "18:30:00" expresses local time.  You can make it expressly UTC by writing "18:30:00Z".  Similarly, you can give a specific time zone offset by writing "18:30:00+05".  Each of this notations can be combined with dates to give strings like "2008-12-24T18:30:00+05".

    So if we merely leave it as-is, then the date/time values are stored in local time, in an application-dependent fashion, in what may be a time-zone dependent fashion as well.  That is how the spec reads to me now.

    But I don't think implementations work that way.  If I enter the NOW() function into a spreadsheet in Boston, and at the same instant someone enters NOW() into a spreadsheet in London, we do not see the equivalent times recorded.  We each record our local times, without specifying a time zone.

    That is how it is done today, by all spreadsheets that I'm aware off.

    So let's look at your proposed text:

    >The Date and Datetime subtypes (number of days since the
    >beginning of the epoch) do not include a mechanism for recording the
    >time zone.  Instead, these subtypes only presume that all
    >date or datetime values use the same unspecified time zone.
    >Document creators CAN use formulas to do time zone
    >translations using formulas, and CAN decide on a particular single time zone
    >such as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) when developing a particular document.
    >Similarly, the Date and Datetime subtypes do not include a mechanism
    >for distinguishing the value of a leap second and the following second,
    >and presume that every day is exactly 24 hours long.

    In first sentence, can we simply say something like "Date values shall be stored using the Extended 'Complete Calendar date' notation defined in ISO 8601:2004, clause    Datetime values shall be stored using the Complete 'Date and time of day' notation defined in ISO 8601:2004, clause 4.3.2, with empty zone designator in accordance with local time provisions of ISO 8601:2004, clause"

    I think that restates your main thought, in ISO 8601 terms.

    As for leap seconds, ISO 8601 notates them as "23:59:60" followed by "00:00:00".  So we could handle them if we wanted, by modifying SECONDS() to return a value from 0 - to 60, instead of 0-59.  But I doubt any spreadsheet treats these two values as different.


  • 8.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 06:49

  • 9.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 12:36

    "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@gmail.com> wrote on 07/07/2008 02:49:20 AM:

    > 2008/7/7  <robert_weir@us.ibm.com>:
    > > Thinking out loud here.
    > >
    > > My main concern is that functions like HOUR()and MINUTE() which extract the
    > > hour or minute value from a datetime value are unambiguous.
    > No, they are ambiguous as to TZ.
    > Anything beyond that is a presumption.

    You are wrong.  These functions are not ambiguous.  They give the same answer on every spreadsheet, in a location/time zone independent fashion.  This is not presumption.  This is accurate observation.  This is what the users see today, what they are accustomed to, what they expect.

    > >
    > > ISO 8601 states that the notation "18:30:00" expresses local time.  You can
    > > make it expressly UTC by writing "18:30:00Z".  Similarly, you can give a
    > > specific time zone offset by writing "18:30:00+05".  Each of this notations
    > > can be combined with dates to give strings like "2008-12-24T18:30:00+05".
    > >
    > > So if we merely leave it as-is, then the date/time values are stored in
    > > local time, in an application-dependent fashion, in what may be a time-zone
    > > dependent fashion as well.  That is how the spec reads to me now.
    > That's one interpretation.

    Care to offer another interpretation?  ISO 8601 seems clear on this point.

    > >
    > > But I don't think implementations work that way.  If I enter the NOW()
    > > function into a spreadsheet in Boston, and at the same instant someone
    > > enters NOW() into a spreadsheet in London, we do not see the equivalent
    > > times recorded.  We each record our local times, without specifying a time
    > > zone.
    > Fine if Boston users never communicate with London users.
    > They do.
    > That' the interop problem.

    If we did what you suggest, every user of an ODF spreadsheet would get answers that contradict what Excel and every other spreadsheet does, and would generally cause chaos as financial spreadsheets gave different answers as they were mailed around the world.

    Is this interoperability?

    > http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-current-dateTime
    > provides a reasonably comprehensive set of thought out datetime functions.

    And there is a place for this.  But current practice, and current user expectations is that date calculations are not time zone sensitive in spreadsheets.


  • 10.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 12:55

  • 11.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 13:11

    "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@gmail.com> wrote on 07/07/2008 08:55:11 AM:

    > 2008/7/7  <robert_weir@us.ibm.com>:
    > >   But current practice, and current user
    > > expectations is that date calculations are not time zone sensitive in
    > > spreadsheets.
    > So who makes the first move to improve things?
    > Wait for Excel?

    As I said before, I'd like to advance the state of the art in spreadsheet analytics in ODF 1.3.  We're certainly collecting a good set of ideas in that area, from numbers with units, to stronger type checking, to time-zone sensitive dates, etc.

    I don't care which application implements it first.  We're dealing with the format here.


  • 12.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 13:54
    > So who makes the first move to improve things?
    > Wait for Excel?
    No, nor has anyone claimed that.  All that's needed is
    that SOMEONE demonstrate a reference model.
    ANYONE can take an existing open source software
    implementation, improve on it, and demonstrate that the
    approach works.  It need not be an "official" release by
    the project, though of course that would add weight.
    If there's a demonstrated way to add that functionality,
    and it gains rough consensus, then of course it's in
    and I'd be delighted.
    But humility in standards development is _critical_.
    There is a very, very long list of "standards" that failed
    because the committee wrote a standard or added an
    "obvious little extension" in it, and THEN (after ratification)
    someone tried to implement it.  The universal result has been that it
    couldn't be implemented, or at least not in a way anyone
    wanted.  Standards co-developed with
    implementations is, in my view, the best approach.
    At the least, no specification should be
    accepted until there is at least one demonstration of
    its effectiveness (e.g., a reference implementation),
    and we are trying to wrap up OpenFormula 1.0.
    I know timezones look easy, but adding this capability
    is not as trivial as it appears.
    The date and datetime representations of spreadsheets,
    which users have found adequate for decades, do not
    easily support them.  Numbers don't include a time zone.
    Adding a mechanism that is unimplementable,
    or makes it impossible to exchange existing documents, is unacceptable.
    I'm not saying "timezones never go in".  But we're trying to
    wrap up a spec that enables exchange of _existing_ documents,
    none of which have timezones.  Let's get some experimentation/
    reference model work going, and once a working solution
    has achieved rough consensus, let's get that added to the NEXT
    release of OpenFormula.
    "Rough consensus and running code" is still the best way
    to achieve useful standards; just compare OSI vs. TCP/IP.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 13.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-06-2008 18:29
    On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 11:49 -0400, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > For reference, here is how OOXML defines it: 
    > ----------- 
    > 18.17.4 Dates and Times 
    > Each unique instant in SpreadsheetML time is stored as an ISO
    > 8601-formatted string, which is made up of a date component, a time
    > component, and a timezone component. Numerous functions take dates
    > and/or times as arguments. Functions that care only about the date
    > shall ignore any time information that is provided. Functions that
    > care only about the time shall ignore any date information 
    > that is provided. 
    > [Example: The date 22 November 1976 at exactly 08:30 Pacific Standard
    > Time (+08:00 UTC) could be represented in the following
    > (non-exhaustive list of) ways within SpreadsheetML: 
    > 1976-11-22T08:30:00,000+08:00 
    > 1976-11-22T16:30Z 
    > end example] 
    Given that a date-time has at least 25 different representations (and
    likely many more), the statement "Functions that care only about the
    time shall ignore any date information that is provided" means that
    those functions would not  well defined.
    How is this ever supposed to make sense?
    "Liberty consists less in acting according to
    one's own pleasure, than in not being subject 
    to the will and pleasure of other people. It 
    consists also in our not subjecting the wills 
    of other people to our own."  Rousseau
    Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 14.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-07-2008 03:04
    > > For reference, here is how OOXML defines it: 
    > Given that a date-time has at least 25 different representations (and
    > likely many more), the statement "Functions that care only about the
    > time shall ignore any date information that is provided" means that
    > those functions would not  well defined.
    > How is this ever supposed to make sense?
    It doesn't, and it can't.
    This is actually the problem I'm trying to _avoid_.
    It's clear that, as part of the ISO process, somebody said
    "OOXML should support timezones", so somebody added some text about
    timezones.  But that material is clearly incompatible with actual spreadsheets,
    and it's incompatible with other parts of the same spec :-(.
    Saying "timezones would be nice to have" must NOT
    translate into some random text that is unimplementable or is
    incompatible with existing spreadsheets.
    I'm sure that what they meant was "if you only need time-of-day,
    use X-INT(X); if you only need the day, use INT(X)."
    Please understand, I'm not against timezones.  But since timezones
    have never been supported by spreadsheets, extreme caution is warranted.
    Unless there's an "obviously correct" solution for supporting timezones,
    that can also support existing spreadsheets,
    it's better to leave them out in this version.
    BTW, _not_ all timezones only increment the "hour" value; some
    have different values of "minutes".  Kabul, Afghanistan, is
    UTC/GMT +4:30 hours. Katmandu, Nepal, is UTC/GMT +5:45 hours.
    And that's only an instantaneous timezone; daylight savings time
    creates MANY more complications.
    You CANNOT simply store
    everything as UTC and then do simple timezone corrections, while
    having existing spreadsheets actually work correctly.
    To store everything as UTC (as Unix and Linux systems do) requires
    sophisticated corrections for daylight savings time (which vary depending
    on geographical locations and the whims of legislatures).
    A Unix/Linux system can do this, and in fact it's a remarkably elegant
    solution for their time systems.  However, this works because these
    systems _DO_ have information on which timezone is selected.
    This information that is not available in a numbers-only encoding
    (which is what a spreadsheet has).  What's more existing spreadsheets
    do NOT expect to deal with this.
    There may be an elegant way to deal with timezones.  But such
    an elegant way must be defined in great detail, support existing
    documents, and be "obviously right".  Otherwise, let's not bother.
    There's no point in specifying a complicated system that gets it wrong.
    BTW, I used to lead work on doing time-related standards.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 15.  Re: [office] Date and Timezone: draft text

    Posted 07-18-2008 12:19
    On Sunday, 2008-07-06 23:03:27 -0400, David A. Wheeler wrote:
    > BTW, _not_ all timezones only increment the "hour" value; some
    > have different values of "minutes".  Kabul, Afghanistan, is
    > UTC/GMT +4:30 hours. Katmandu, Nepal, is UTC/GMT +5:45 hours.
    > And that's only an instantaneous timezone; daylight savings time
    > creates MANY more complications.
    Just for the records: historical timezone changes create even more
    complications, many countries did not stick with their timezone all the
    time. Plus timezone offset may even include seconds (or milliseconds),
    not just minutes. For example, TZ=Europe/Moscow 1916-07-03 <= date <=
    1919-07-01 has a time zone offset of +2:30:48 instead of +3:00, for date
    <= 1916-07-03 it is +2:30, TZ=America/St_Johns date <= 1935-03-30 has
    a time zone offset of -3:30:52 instead of -3:30
    For sources of more confusion see for example
    Any application claiming to implement timezones probably does not.
     OpenOffice.org / StarOffice Calc core developer and i18n transpositionizer.
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