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Subject: Spec: Chapter 12 proposed eratta
About to take a deep breath and plunge into Chapter 13, later today or
perhaps tomorrow. Fairly daunting number of pages.
Proposed eratta for Chapter 12 attached.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature
Chair, V1 - Text Processing: Office and Publishing Systems Interface
Co-Editor, ISO 13250, Topic Maps -- Reference Model
Topic Maps: Human, not artificial, intelligence at work!
OO Eratta, Chapter 12 Common
Specific eratta
- page 371
12.1 Annotation
First paragraph, second sentence reads:
"The annotation's text is contained in text paragraphs."
"The annotation's text is contained in <text:p> elements."
- page 371
First sentence following the schema snippet reads in part:
"The attribute associated"
Should read:
"The attributes associated"
Note change to plural form.
- page 371
Presentation is inconsistent with previous usage. Attributes should
follow the listing. Here interrupted by some (but not all) of the
Note that headers for the subelements dc:creator and dc:date are
inconsistent with prior usage. (Prior listing as Creator and Creation Date and Time,
Note that meta-data-string should have a separate paragraph with
- page 371
"section 3" -> "section 3.1.6"
- page 371
Creation Date
Add at end of paragraph:
"See section 3.1.9."
- page 373
"section 3" -> "section 3.1.7"
- page 373
Date and Time
"section 3" -> "section 3.1.10"
- page 374
"paragraph elements" -> "<text:p> elements."
- 375
Event Name
Second sentence reads:
"Since the available events, their names and their meanings are
application and script language dependent, the name should be preceded
by a namespace prefix that exactly declares the semantic of the
I am not sure what is meant by: "a namespace prefix that exactly
declares the semantic of the event."
I may just be missing it but I don't see how a namespace prefix has
any relationship to the "semantic" of an event.
- page 376
12.6.1 Container for DDE Connection Declarations
First sentence reads:
"Within text and spreadsheet documents, DDE connection declarations
are contained in one declarations element."
Second occurrence: "declarations element." -> "declaration element."
- page 376
12.6.2 Declaring DDE Connections for text fields
"text fields" -> "Text Fields"
- page 376
12.6.2 Declaring DDE Connections for text fields
Paragraph reads:
"Every DDE connection used by a text field is declared using a
declaration element. Multiple DDE fields can refer to one DDE
connection by using the same name. The declaration element has no
"declaration element" -> "<text:dde-connection-decl>
element." (both occurrences)
- page 379
Conversion Mode
First sentence reads:
"The table:conversion-mode attribute specifies the method by which the
DDE server converts its data into numbers."
"table:conversion-mode" -> "office:conversion-mode"
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