OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] OpenDocument v1.1 CommitteeDraft 1

  • 1.  Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] OpenDocument v1.1 CommitteeDraft 1

    Posted 07-21-2006 12:46
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] OpenDocument v1.1 CommitteeDraft 1

    that's what the A11y SC recommended in its last meeting, too, and I believe 
    is addressed by ODF 1.1 Draft 7 I have uploaded a few minutes ago.
    robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > I took another look at the Appendix E, and I'm starting to have some 
    > doubts.
    > If the intent is to expand on this, and make a more comprehensive 
    > statement on accessibility guidelines, then having it be a separate 
    > document would give us more flexibility.  It could be revised and 
    > reviewed on an independent cycle.  Since it would likely not contain 
    > normative standards content (same as Appendix E), it may have more 
    > avenues for release, such as a committee document, or something promoted 
    > on XML.org or via the Adoption TC.
    > Having it be separate also keeps the size of the ODC standard a little 
    > shorter, so there is less work for downstream reviewers and translators.
    > So, I love the content, but I'd recommend keeping it in a separate 
    > document.
    > Regards,
    > -Rob
    > Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM wrote on 07/20/2006 05:32:14 AM:
    >  > Regarding the appendix and the options itself:
    >  >
    >  > The current Appendix E includes exactly those accessibility guidelines
    >  > that were already included in the proposals contained in the
    >  > accessibility report. More precisely, for some of the extensions
    >  > suggested by the a11y report, the text proposals that are contained in
    >  > the report were splitted: The text that describes the semantic of new
    >  > elements and attributes was added to the normative part of the
    >  > specification, while guidelines regarding their implementation and use
    >  > were move to the appendix.
    >  >
    >  > We now have (at least) the following options:
    >  >
    >  > a) We keep ODF 1.1 as it is, and the SC works on a companion document
    >  > that the TC approves independently.
    >  > b) We replace the content of Appendix E with a reference to the TC or SC
    >  > web pages (since the companion document is not existing so far,
    >  > referencing it seems not be an option to me).
    >  > c) We delay ODF 1.1 and replace Appendix E with the accessibility
    >  > guidelines that are a work in progress in the A11y SC. This delay could
    >  > be compensated by setting an OASIS standard vote for OpenDocument 1.1
    >  > aside for this year, which saves about one and a half months. Since
    >  > accessibility is the main reason for OpenDocument v1.1, it would be
    >  > interesting to know the A11y SC's opinion on this.
    >  >

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