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Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] Table support for OpenDocumentPresentations
I had read the minutes from a previous TC and there was a question whether reproducing the Microsoft "grid" capability in presentations was adequate. The response was yes.
My answer would be no - we need to ensure we have table row and columneader semantics.
Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.", Frost
Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>">Peter Korn <Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>
Hi Rich,
I thought we'd discussed this - that these questions are entirely part
of the user interface in presentations that wrap around the ODF table
I agree these are issues we have to work out with the folks implementing
tables in presentations in our office suites, but I don't see how that
impacts our XML encoding decision.
Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> When considering tables in presentations please consider user agent
> issues.
> - Will the table area be clipped and require scrolling. In MSOffice
> that does not happen?
> - Has the group addressed all import/export issues?
> - Will a frame be rendered in the user agent if it is embedded?
> MSOffice does not. If we don't address this the layout will be a mess?
> We also need to ensure the author has the ability to define row and
> column headers as are defined in the table construct.
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
> blog:
> "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
> I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the
> difference.", Frost
> Inactive hide details for Florian Reuter
> <Florian.Reuter@Sun.COM>Florian Reuter <Florian.Reuter@Sun.COM>
> *Florian Reuter <Florian.Reuter@Sun.COM>*
> 05/09/2006 02:17 AM
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [office] Table support for OpenDocument Presentations
> Hi,
> I just want to give a brief status description of the evaluation of the
> table support for OpenDocument presentations.
> Currently I see three different ways of adding table support to
> OpenDocument specifications:
> a) "native" table support
> b) Embedded object based table support
> c) tables in text boxes
> d) Drawing object plus annotation based table support
> ad a)
> The "native" table support would have the advantage, that tables are
> "first-class citizens" of OpenDocument presentations. An example would be:
> <draw:frame>
> <table:table>
> ....
> </table:table>
> </draw:frame>
> The above encoding is closest to Open XML and would ensure rountrip.
> The disadvantage of the above solution is, that currently deployed
> reader would ignore the <table:table> element and thus tables where
> missing in the document. This would require all vendors of OpenDocument
> processing applications to ship product patches.
> ad b)
> Encoding tables in OpenDocument presentations as "embedded objects"
> would be the best solution regarding backward compatibility. Encoding as
> "embeeded object" means nothing else than "use OpenDocument spreadsheet
> tables in presentations as embedded objects". An example is:
> <draw:frame>
> <draw:object xlink:href=""Link" to OpenDocument spreadsheet table"
> xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" />
> </draw:frame>
> The disadvantage of this solution is, that tables in presentations are
> no longer "first-class citizens" as they are e.g. in Open XML.
> ad c)
> OpenDocument allows in its current version that tables can appear within
> text boxes. However this currently not implemented in e.g.
> For example:
> <draw:frame>
> <draw:text-box>
> <table:table>
> ..
> </table:table>
> </draw:frame>
> Here without any schema change table in presentations could be achieved.
> ad d) [suggested my Yue MA]
> Currently OpenDocument processing entities store tables in presentations
> as shapes, i.e. a table is "drawn", but the structure is forgotten. By
> simply annotating this "drawn" tables with the table structure
> information both backward compatibility as well as accessibility needs
> could be satisfied.
> The disadvantage of this is, that OpenDocument would get a rather
> "unconventional" second table model.
> I would like to finish the investigation phase know and start dicussing
> the prefered solution.
> Looking forward for your comments.
> Best regards,
> Florian
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