OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft28 (revised)

  • 1.  Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft28 (revised)

    Posted 05-24-2006 09:35
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft28 (revised)

    I'm currently preparing a new draft which corrects the spelling errors, 
    except those in the schema. While the spelling errors in the schema are clear 
    spelling errors, too, I believe the best way to correct them is to add 
    correct spelled attributes/attribute values to the schema for a 1.1, and to 
    declare the misspelled ones to be depricated.
    Martin Bryan also reported a few more errors, that I will also integrate into 
    the new draft.
    Chris Nokleberg wrote On 05/23/06 20:55,:
    > I have found these spelling errors in Draft 18. Please note that some of
    > them occur multiple times on the indicated pages.
    >   Page(s)   Existing text                 Corrected text
    >   --------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
    >   75        continuos                     continuous
    >   177,178   text:ouline-level             text:outline-level
    >   274       titeldia                      titledia
    >   335       timming                       timing
    >   478       style:region-reight           style:region-right
    >   499       number:possessive-gorm        number:possessive-form
    >   516,518   text:linenumbering-seperator  text:linenumbering-separator
    > * 517       rigth                         right
    >   538       linarGradient                 linearGradient
    >   576       follwing                      following
    > * 654       intesity                      intensity
    > * 665       style:wrap-dynamic-treshold   style:wrap-dynamic-threshold
    >   675       chart:interplation            chart:interpolation
    >   682       upper-limmit                  upper-limit
    > Unfortunately the three starred ones also appear in the actual Relax NG
    > schema. They are clearly typos but I'm not sure if the process for
    > fixing them is the same.
    > Chris
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    Michael Brauer                                Phone:  +49 40 23646 500
    Technical Architect Software Engineering      Fax:    +49 40 23646 550
    StarOffice Development
    Sun Microsystems GmbH
    Sachsenfeld 4
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany                e-mail: michael.brauer@sun.com

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