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Subject: Headings and Outlines
Dear TC members,
because we will discuss outline (or chapter numbering) styles either
today or in one of our next meetings, I would like to make a proposal
for a small enhancement regarding this topic.
The prososal is to add a "style:default-outline-level" attribute to the
<style:style> element of paragraph styles. It takes a number like the
"text:level" attribute of headings. If the attribute is existing for a
paragraph style, and if the paragraph style is assigned to a paragraph
by an user interface action, then office applications should convert the
paragraph into a heading of the given level. However, the attribute has
no effect to the differentation of headings and paragraphs in the file
format itself. The differentation between headings and paragraphs still
takes place by using either a <text:h> ot a <text:p> element. If a
<text:p> element references a paragraph style that has a
"style:default-outline-level" attribute, the paragraph remains a
paragraph and will not become a heading.
The background for this proposal is as follows.
Most office applications differ between headings and paragraphs by
styles. That is, it is specified for a certain style that all paragraphs
that have the style assigned should be headings. This style based
differentation btween heading and paragarphs seems not to be reasonable
for a file format. Whether a paragraph is a haeding or not is content
information. A paragraph either is a heading or it isn't a heading, but
it doen't become a heading only because a certain (formatting) style is
assigned. For this reason, the file format differs between the <text:h>
and <text:p> elements, and both can reference a paragraph style that
only specifies the heading's or paragraph's formatting properties.
Neither the paragraph styles nor the outline numbering specification can
somehow turn a paragarph into a heading. This means that the assignment
of outline levels to styles is stored indirectly by storing headings,
and that it cannot be saved at all if a document doesn't contain
headings. While this is not a problem for normal documents, it is in
fact a problmen for document templates that serve as a basis for new
documents. In these templates, outline levels are very often assigned to
paragraph styles, so that every new paragraph that gets the paragraph
style assigned becomes a heading, but the template itself does not
contain any content. The consequence is that it currently isn't possible
to save the assignment of outline levels to paragraph styles in such
templates. The above proposals solves this issue.
Best regards
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