On 04/02/09 14:49, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
> Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM wrote on 04/02/2009 03:14:20 AM:
>> On 04/02/09 02:49, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>>> Wonderful!
>>> We need to refer to that. It is very important that we refer to that
> and
>>> not other DCMI documents, because DCMI has removed the XML provision
> from
>>> its latest DCMI Namespace policy.
>> Well, this document does describe how DCMI should be used within XML,
>> and therefore explains why ODF is using DCMI in the way it is using it.
>> But is this what we should refer to in the ODF specification? Isn't the
>> specification we have to cite here the one that describes the semantics
>> of elements, and isn't this
>> http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dces/
>> that is, the one we are citing right now?
> I think the question to ask is: Does the reference explain _why_ we made
> the choice we did? Or does it state _what is required_ of a conformant
> ODF document or ODF Producer/Consumer? If a reference is justifying our
> design choice, or providing a design rationale, then it is not really a
> normative reference. We might have an informative reference for that if
> we want, but that is purely optional. But if something defines a
> requirement for a document, producer, or consumer, then it requires a
> normative reference.
I think the note is mixture of describing why we have chosen the name,
and a description how at least some office application use that element:
They just put the name of the person that saves a document as creator
into the dc:creator element.
Anyway, I would argue that it should be implementation defined when this
element is updated. An application that provides this as an editable
data where the user enters a name probably would not do anything wrong
here. Where are many other behaviors one could think of, that probably
also are not wrong.
For that reason, I think we should remove that note. Since it is an
informative note, this is something we can do without breaking anything.
> The use of a particular namespace for Dublin Core is already required by
> our schema. We don't need to cite any further authority than that. The
> fact that it is in synch with the Guidelines is great. But from the
> perspective of an ODF document/producer/consumer, they use that namespace
> because the ODF schema defines it so.
I'm not sure if we are all taking about the same reference. The ones I
were referring to were references that describe semantics of