OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Draft minutes for 05 February 2024

  • 1.  Draft minutes for 05 February 2024

    Posted 02-05-2024 18:26
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    Greetings! Draft minutes are attached for the ODF TC meeting on 05 February 2024! Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick [12:03] Patrick: quorum - yes - 5 of 6 [12:04] Patrick: 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 29 January 2024 - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/202402/msg00004.html [12:04] Patrick: approved by consent [12:06] Patrick: Agenda - Francis - report on ODF 1.3 between 4 and 5 - with that addition - agenda approved by consent [12:06] Patrick: 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 29 January 2024 - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/202402/msg00004.html [12:06] Patrick: Francis - continued with clean up on styles [12:07] Patrick: Reformatted - notices - Paul - with corrected front matter [12:07] Patrick: 5. Francis on ONF 1.3 submission [12:09] Patrick: Rachel - has all the information she needed - now ISO will prepare the ballot - starts in about 8 weeks time - SC 34 will meet and have a brief introduction to the submission. [12:09] Francis Cave: Lisa Rajchel [12:09] Patrick: 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 29 January 2024 - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/202402/msg00004.html [12:10] Patrick: 6. OFFICE-4090: style:use-window-font-color missing a definition of "window foreground color" (Presenter: Svante & Michael) https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4090 https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odf-tc/odf1.4/part3-schema/OpenDocument-v1.4-part3-schema.html#property-style_use-window-font-color https://libreofficemaster.blogspot.com/2022/03/libreoffice-dark-mode-on-windows.htmls (Presenter: Regina) (discussion, see rough notes) [12:50] Patrick: ******************** The style:use-window-font-color attribute determines whether or not the font color is set automatically, according to the background color of the text. (first paragraph to end) definition of true: true: the font color depends on the text background color and is automatically set by the consumer. The choice of font color and how it is chosen are implementation-dependent. A fo:color attribute is ignored in this case. Note is fine. ********************* [12:51] Patrick: consent to the resolution as specified. [12:52] Patrick: Francis to mark as resolved, fix version as ODF 1.5 [12:53] Patrick: Feb. 12th - Michaels security proposals - [12:54] Patrick: Alfred - expert will be appearing on the crypto issue - Raul Garcia - [12:54] Alfred Hellstern: Raul Garcia [12:56] Patrick: 8. OFFICE-4141: style:script-type has redundant paragraph (Presenter: Svante or Regina) We already agreed on this editorial issue and it is also added by myself to our GitHub, but the issue has not the resolution "RESOLVED"! Do we agree on the proposal and switch the resolution to "RESOLVED"? Carried over for examination/discussion. [12:59] Patrick: include in 1.4 or set to 1.5? [13:00] Patrick: set to 1.5 - Francis setting to resolved and 1.5. [13:00] Patrick: adjourned
