OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Proposal for Advanced Document Collaboration Subcommittee & ElectronicBallot Motion

  • 1.  Proposal for Advanced Document Collaboration Subcommittee & ElectronicBallot Motion

    Posted 11-16-2010 13:40
    Here is the revised SC proposal.
    1) I've proposed Robin LaFontaine as chair
    2) I've removed the deadline for the delivery of the change tracking 
    3) I've clarified that change tracking is the "initial and highest 
    priority" for the SC
    I hope these changes accommodate some of the concerns with the initial 
    Approval of a SC requires a resolution approved by the majority of voting 
    members on the TC.  We also have a standing rule that permits members to 
    request an electronic ballot once a motion has been made and seconded on 
    the list.
    So, I move that the TC create an "Advanced Document Collaboration" 
    subcommittee as described below.  As soon as someone seconds the motion on 
    the list we can initiate the 7-day ballot.
    Advanced Document Collaboration Subcommittee (slug = office-collab)
    Statement of Purpose
    Many ODF documents do not involve collaboration.  They are created by a 
    single user, edited by a single user, and then perhaps presented or shared 
    with multiple users, or maybe even just converted to PDF for distribution.
    However, collaboration-based document scenarios are also common, including 
    review and comment, change tracking as well as emerging work in real-time 
    collaborative editing, in-context document collaboration, persistence of 
    structured document fragments, and so on.
    In order to bring together technical experts in these areas, and for them 
    to evaluate trends, investigate opportunities and draft enhancements to 
    ODF in these areas, we are proposing a dedicated subcommittee for this 
    The initial and highest priority for the Subcommittee will be change 
    tracking.  Reliable and user friendly revision management is critical for 
    professional document workflows in corporate and public sector 
    environments, and as such an important feature of Open Document Format. 
    The SC is asked to prepare a draft specification of a markup vocabulary 
    that can accurately describe any incremental change to the content and 
    structure of documents - typically made in multiple editing sessions by 
    different authors.
    List of Deliverables
    1. A draft specification for change tracking, including Relax NG schema
    2. A description on how to apply change tracking markup to the various 
    versions of the OpenDocument Format (ODF) as a host format.
    3. A set of test documents that will allow implementers to validate their 
    change tracking implementations.
    4. A document that describes in detail how the existing change tracking 
    mechanism in ODF can be converted to the new markup.
    5. Other proposals, draft specifications and in-scope work related to the 
    subcommittee's Purpose.
    Robin LaFontaine

  • 2.  Re: [office] Proposal for Advanced Document CollaborationSubcommittee & Electronic Ballot Motion

    Posted 11-16-2010 13:47
    Second the motion to create the "Advanced Document Collaboration"
    Hope everyone is having a great day!
    On Tue, 2010-11-16 at 08:43 -0500, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > Here is the revised SC proposal.
    > 1) I've proposed Robin LaFontaine as chair
    > 2) I've removed the deadline for the delivery of the change tracking 
    > proposal.
    > 3) I've clarified that change tracking is the "initial and highest 
    > priority" for the SC
    > I hope these changes accommodate some of the concerns with the initial 
    > proposal.
    > Approval of a SC requires a resolution approved by the majority of voting 
    > members on the TC.  We also have a standing rule that permits members to 
    > request an electronic ballot once a motion has been made and seconded on 
    > the list.
    > So, I move that the TC create an "Advanced Document Collaboration" 
    > subcommittee as described below.  As soon as someone seconds the motion on 
    > the list we can initiate the 7-day ballot.
    > Regards,
    > -Rob
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Name
    > ----
    > Advanced Document Collaboration Subcommittee (slug = office-collab)
    > Statement of Purpose
    > --------------------
    > Many ODF documents do not involve collaboration.  They are created by a 
    > single user, edited by a single user, and then perhaps presented or shared 
    > with multiple users, or maybe even just converted to PDF for distribution.
    > However, collaboration-based document scenarios are also common, including 
    > review and comment, change tracking as well as emerging work in real-time 
    > collaborative editing, in-context document collaboration, persistence of 
    > structured document fragments, and so on.
    > In order to bring together technical experts in these areas, and for them 
    > to evaluate trends, investigate opportunities and draft enhancements to 
    > ODF in these areas, we are proposing a dedicated subcommittee for this 
    > topic.
    > The initial and highest priority for the Subcommittee will be change 
    > tracking.  Reliable and user friendly revision management is critical for 
    > professional document workflows in corporate and public sector 
    > environments, and as such an important feature of Open Document Format. 
    > The SC is asked to prepare a draft specification of a markup vocabulary 
    > that can accurately describe any incremental change to the content and 
    > structure of documents - typically made in multiple editing sessions by 
    > different authors.
    > List of Deliverables
    > --------------------
    > 1. A draft specification for change tracking, including Relax NG schema
    > 2. A description on how to apply change tracking markup to the various 
    > versions of the OpenDocument Format (ODF) as a host format.
    > 3. A set of test documents that will allow implementers to validate their 
    > change tracking implementations.
    > 4. A document that describes in detail how the existing change tracking 
    > mechanism in ODF can be converted to the new markup.
    > 5. Other proposals, draft specifications and in-scope work related to the 
    > subcommittee's Purpose.
    > Chairs
    > -----
    > Robin LaFontaine
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php 