EM Reference Information Model SC

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  • 1.  Reminder: Meeting Today

    Posted 11-14-2023 15:02
    Hi Everyone, This is a reminder that we have our regularly scheduled meeting today at 11:00 am Eastern Time. Please attend if you can. Cheers, Rex

  • 2.  Re: [emergency-rim] Reminder: Meeting Today

    Posted 11-14-2023 15:58
    Hi Rex, I think you need to cancel. Jeff, Thomas and I will not be able to make it. Elysa. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 9:02 AM, Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com> wrote: Hi Everyone, This is a reminder that we have our regularly scheduled meeting today at 11:00 am Eastern Time. Please attend if you can. Cheers, Rex