Hi Everyone, This a reminder. We have our regularly scheduled meeting tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. There are several items on our agenda for tomorrow: 1 & 2) CAP-DE Reference Implementation- Thomas and I had a good initial session last Wednesday. I am copying him with this message since he has previously expressed some interest in the Reference Information Model (RIM) SC. 3)The status of our EMF Open Repository
https://github.com/oasis-open/emergency-emf : how and when do we start populating it with real work that Thomas and I have committed to developing, if it is feasible in the foreseeable future. Comments: Right now it looks good, but I can't see chasing down other opportunities, such as we did with the Sahana dream of simply using what someone else had already done and taking advantage of whatever community they had already created. It sounded too good to be true, and it was. Right now we have Thomas and I committed to following through with the previous effort I put in and then ran out of gas for after three years of effort five years ago. That's eight years and I don't have the time or energy to chase down any new rabbit holes for what we might be able to maybe do if someone (me) puts in the work. Sorry if that's a little unkind, but I don't think we can actually do this without a real plan to do the real work. If we want to chase down other options, I regretfully decline. Being young and energetic, perhaps Thomas can take over and research those other more current and possibly more successful bleeding edge solutions. If that's what we want to do, I'll pivot my energy to the plans I postponed due mostly to my recent surgery to take up the mantle of the Semantic Web, using ontologies in pursuit of knowledge management [taking advantage of the most current buzz, you guessed it: AI (but mostly machine learning)]. Okay! Enough of that. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm ready to go. Talk Tomorrow, Rex Virus-free.