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CAP-Australian Profile events/info blocks

  • 1.  CAP-Australian Profile events/info blocks

    Posted 04-21-2011 16:58
    My email bounced when sent to emergency thread, so I'll post here in the Profiles SC and see if we can get the thread moving here. Doug


    I continue to standby the approach taken in the CAP-Canadian Profile (CAP-CP). We support only one event type ((as defined by the comprehensive CAP-CP event list) per CAP message. In this way there is no confusion as to which event is being updated, and ensures we can cancel one event without doing so for another. We do not limit the number of <info> blocks associated with that event. This allows for different areas to have various threat levels. Ex. Within one mile, three miles, or eastern edge of the storm versus the western edge.

    I'm curious and concerned about your intent to have an <info> block per disparate partner. CAP was designed with sufficient metadata to be distributed through all channels and distribution mediums. I can see where you might want to define a short message format, such as being proposed for CMAS in the U.S., but that can be done using <parameter> rather than <info> blocks. Perhaps you could provide a use case to clarify your objectve.


    Doug Allport
    Allport Group Inc, Doug@AllportGroup.com Executive Director (volunteer), Canadian Association for Public Alerting and Notification (www.CAPAN.ca), Doug.Allport@CAPAN.ca
    (613) 271-1040 Tel
    (613) 294-4425 BlackBerry