I will schedule it starting next Thursday.
Dwarkanath, Sukumar - INTL wrote:
> 1 PM works for me - Sukumar
Original Message-----
> From: Rex Brooks []
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 11:05 AM
> To: Dwarkanath, Sukumar - INTL
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] ipaws profile comments
> As I mentioned in my post, the EM Adoption Events and Demos SC meets
> weekly on Thursday 11-12 am EDT. So it would be better to set up CAP
> v1.2 from 1-2 pm EDT since there are other left coasters who are not as
> willing as I am to meet 10-11 am EDT.
> Cheers,
> Rex
> Dwarkanath, Sukumar - INTL wrote:
>> How about thursday between 11-12? The CAP Profiles can then meet from
>> 12-1. Other days work as well.
>> Thanks
>> Sukumar
Original Message-----
>> From: Jacob Westfall