All, Attached is the IBM statement of use for KMIP v1.2. Best Regards, Mathias ----- Forwarded by Mathias Bjoerkqvist1/Zurich/IBM on 16.12.2014 06:34 ----- From: Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA To: Mathias Bjoerkqvist1/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH Cc: Bruce Rich/Austin/IBM@IBMUS Date: 15.12.2014 23:12 Subject: IBM SoU for OASIS KMIP v1.2 Hi Mathias, As IBM's primary rep to OASIS I formally submit this statement of use. Please forward this note to the KMIP mailing list. Dave Ings, Program Director, IBM Open Technology & Partnerships Mobile: +1 647-227-8630 Mobile when in the US: +1 224-806-8264 ----- Forwarded by Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM on 2014-12-15 10:10 AM ----- From: Mathias Bjoerkqvist1/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH To: Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA Cc: Bruce Rich/Austin/IBM@IBMUS Date: 2014-12-15 09:19 AM Subject: IBM SoU for OASIS KMIP v1.2 Dave, Attached is the IBM Statement of Use for the OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol Version 1.2. Thanks and Best Regards, Mathias Mathias Björkqvist Research Software Engineer IBM Research GmbH Säumerstrasse 4 CH-8803 Rüschlikon Switzerland Attachment: IBM_KMIP_v1.2_Statement_of_Use-20141215.pdf Description: Binary data