Thanks Mark - I've now got those few and all the other ones in the "rekey" set of files that slipped through. The fixes will be included in the next update. Tim. On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 6:47 AM Mark Joseph < > wrote: Some missed conversions from "21" to "30" On first Create Key Pair <PublicKeyAttributes> <Name type="TextString" value= "TC-REKEY-12-21-Public-Name"/ > <--- should be TC-REKEY-12-30-PUBLIC-NAME <CryptographicUsageMask type="Integer" value="Decrypt Verify"/> </PublicKeyAttributes> On Certify <RotateName type="TextString" value=" TC-REKEY-12-21-Rotate-Name "/> On Recertify response appears twice <RotateName type="TextString" value= "TC-REKEY-12-21-Rotate-Name "/> Best, Mark Joseph, Ph.D. President P6R, Inc 408-205-0361