If we go with either scenario, I suggest there be separate clients for each server. Having 1 client per server, even if both clients are the same device type, would be preferred over 1 client sharing 2 servers.
One client connected simultaneously to 2 servers can be perceived (to someone with no KMIP background) as demonstrating some server-server behavior, which is a perception we should probably avoid at this stage. Plus, 2 server connections for a single purpose isn't expected. Ideally the clients would represent existing product classes, not an abstraction.
Stan Feather
Original Message-----
From: robert.griffin@rsa.com [mailto:robert.griffin@rsa.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:30 AM
To: kmip@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [kmip] thoughts on [kmip] OASIS Security Standards Interop Demo at RSA Expo 2010
Hi -
At our last KMIP TC call, I promised to send around some thoughts on
what we might do for this interop demo.
The goal of demo is to demonstrate the effectiveness of KMIP protocol
supporting the use cases such as symmetric key store and foundry across
multi-vendor implemenations of clients and servers. We could do this at
one of several levels:
Simplest: Demonstrate KMIP interoperability by sending the same
requests/responses from a single KMIP client to multiple servers. This
would entail at least one client system and two server systems. On the
client, a simple UI would display the following:
- establish secure connection to server 1
- create request message
- send request (for example, create symmetric key) to server 1
- receive response from server 1
- establish secure connection to server 2
- send request (for example, create symmetric key) to server 2
- receive response from server 2
On the servers, UI would show:
- establish secure connection from client
- receive request
- send response
2) A slightly more complex demo could add additional operations as part
of the script (for example, register). Alternatively, it could add other
key types for the same operation (create asymmetric keys, for example).
We would probably also want to have a brief rolling slide show on KMIP
on the client and server systems that could be interrupted when the demo
was run.
Is this worth doing? Do we have KMIP TC members who feel confident in
being able to dedicate resources (developing the demo, staffing the demo
at the show, and contributing to cost of the booth) to this demo? (Feel
free to respond either to the reflector or to Subash and myself.