In the IRC entity relationship diagram that was part of the NAESB materials, we “digested” all of the relevant NERC actors to a set of agreed-upon terms that were used for both the wholesale and retail teams. I recommend using that set of terms going forward. Attached again for your convenience. (See “Defined Terms” document for definitions and see entity relationship diagram in Appendix A of the PAP 09 document – redline changes indicate updates from Phase 1 of NAESB effort.) Finally, the “Actor Mapping” tab of the attached worksheet may provide some insight into other names for the entities shown in the entity relationship diagram in Appendix A of the PAP 09 document. This “Actor Mapping” tab was used early in Phase 2 to gain consensus on the actors list that was used for the Phase 2 work. The “Actor Mapping” tab was an effective way to show the translation for various terms into a more generic term. If you really want to go beyond what’s here, you might want to take a look at the NERC Functional Model. Regards, Donna Donna K. Pratt Manager, Demand Response Products New York Independent System Operator 10 Krey Boulevard Rensselaer, NY 12144 Tel: 518-356-8758 From: Ed Cazalet [mailto:] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 12:05 PM To:; Subject: RE: [energyinterop] What should be enrolled I assume you are talking about enrollment of a Party in an Enabling Agreement (Market Context, Program, Tariff, Bilateral Trading Agreement) In this case the Parties cannot be devices or resources. For example a distributed energy resource is not a Party. A distributed energy resource operator could be a Party to an Enabling Agreement. Likewise meterAuthority is not likely to be a Party to an Enabling Agreement – it is an information provider just like the weather forecaster. I think we should stay away from creating enumerated types but just set rules for the type of entity that can be enrolled as Party in an Enabling Agreement and give examples. If a jurisdiction wants to standardize such names then they can do it, EI should not in my opinion. For example, many of the enrollment type names may be very different in Europe or Asia. Edward G. Cazalet, Ph.D. 101 First Street, Suite 552 Los Altos, CA 94022 650-949-5274 cell: 408-621-2772 From: Toby Considine [mailto:] On Behalf Of Toby Considine Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 8:10 AM To: Subject: [energyinterop] What should be enrolled I think the list of enrollment types (an enumerated type for EI) is similar to the following designatedDispatchEntity (VTN) distributedEnergyResource loadServingEntity meterAuthority schedulingEntity serviceProvider transportServiceProvider utilityDistributionOperator marketParticipant These second tier entities could be added to the list above, but I think they are redundant. distributionProvider hostBalancingAuthority balancingAuthority independentPowerProducer interchangeAuthority intermediateBalancingAuthority purchasingSellingEntity receivingBalancingAuthority sendingBalancingAuthority transmissionOperator transmissionServiceProvider Changes or suggestions to the list… tc “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw. Toby Considine TC9, Inc TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee Email: Phone: (919)619-2104 blog: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged against disclosure other than to the intended recipient. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please immediately delete this message and inform the sender of this error. PAP 09 Wholesale (revised jb November 22, 2010)-dkp12072010.doc Defined Terms-Phase 2 redline-2010-12-07.doc smart_grid_ssd012810a1.xls