Toby - Thanks for doing this and your work earlier today. For that matter, your work over the past many months. For the TC - The request for upload and processing of CSD03 has been entered and is in the TC Admin queue. I'm finishing a couple of items related to the Public Review Request before submitting tonight. Thanks! bill On 6/23/11 5:03 PM, Considine, Toby (Campus Services IT) wrote: type= cite > All Applied issues have been moved to Closed Closed issues that had not been resolved first (like, say, if you close directly from the new items list) showed as “previous versions with issues still open”) have been re-opened, and then run through the whole lifecycle back to closed Status: 471 Closed Issues 9 Deferred Issues Nothing else All deferred issues are EMIX Note or Examples issues. We do not want possibly normative examples in a specification that may be applied to a regulated environment. Thanks tc If something is not worth doing, it`s not worth doing well Peter Drucker Toby Considine Chair, OASIS oBIX Technical Committee U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee Facilities Technology Office University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC Email: Toby.Considine@ Phone: (919)962-9073 blog: