OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (eMIX) TC

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  • 1.  Pulling the power together

    Posted 03-08-2011 19:31
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    PDF attached if you lose the formatting. Email attachments to bring comments back onto the list   What we have in EMIX is a few layers. A family of ways to contract: discrete purchases, option contracts (with associated performance terms) We have a layer of pricing options: price negotiations, price taking (w/ or w/o tiers) and a few odd-balls And then we have the low-level mangoes being bought and sold. It appears that we can eliminate the odd-balls by creating a rough taxonomy of mangoes as follows. Mango Taxonomy Yellow Red Green Energy Product Product Product Power Product Product Product If we can fill in the blanks, fully characterize the mangoes, then, I think we can eliminate the odd-balls and complete the power/resource side in EMIX. This suggestion aligns with Dr. Burns suggestions that we expand on the Reading Types as described in the NAESB PAP10 process. If understand the many helpful suggestions, we have so far focused on Yellow Yellow Real / Inductive / or just [power / energy] Red Voltvar, voltamps, Q, reactive [power/energy] Green Total / Complex [power/energy] I am trying to fill out the product descriptions. I have recently sent out several requests about the Red column Mango Taxonomy Yellow Red Green Energy Volts Product Product Power Watts, Joules/second Product Product   Dr Snyder has recently sent me some encouraging, but not fully actionable (to me) suggestions, Both Marty AND Aaron have suggested that I take the scalar descriptors and abstract them elsewhere. 1.        xs:complexType name =" RealPowerUnitsType " ; why do we have to build a list here? Real power (P) has a base unit of Watts (W) or Joules/sec and a prefix multiplier (e.g., kilo/k, mega/M, giga/G, milli/m, etc.) Can this be simplified even further and get rid of the list? Same for Joules/sec. 2.        xs:complexType name =" ReactiveEnergyUnitsType " ; same comment as #1. Base unit is var-hours (VARh is one abbreviation), then a multiplier. 3.        xs:simpleType name =" VoltageUnitsType " ; I don’t understand the restriction for this type to V, kV, and MV; if they are kept, it is worth determining if kV or KV is more common (or pick the one from IEC CIM). 4.        xs:simpleType name =" VarUnitsType " ; ditto #3 5.        total/complex power unit: volt-ampere, VA 6.        real power unit: Watt, W 7.        reactive power unit: volt-ampere reactive, VAR 8.        total/complex energy unit: volt-ampere hour, Vah 9.        real energy unit: Watt-hour, Wh 10.    reactive energy unit: volt-ampere reactive hour, VARh   Few resources can directly change their voltage (PV inverters perhaps being one of that small set), rather, they change their real and reactive power demands in all four quadrants which is then reflected in a voltage change as measured.   The physics say as I have more inductive (and real) load, my voltage lowers. If I add capacitors, the reactive power needs from the network to meet my inductive load lessen and the voltage raises. For stability purposes, I think of nodes as either voltage-angle (V-theta) or real-reactive nodes (P-Q). either type allows me to derive the calculations for the other electrical properties (voltage, current, angle, real power, reactive power, complex power).       I think I am missing something here, something perhaps so obvious that others don’t see what I am missing…   Can we take this and turn this into something similar to 6 mangoes, each with   Quantity Scale Enumerated Unit-types   tc     “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” -- Upton Sinclair. Toby Considine TC9, Inc OASIS Technical Advisory Board TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com Phone: (919)619-2104 http://www.tcnine.com/ blog: www.NewDaedalus.com       ---  Begin Message  --- From : "Aaron Snyder" <aaron@enernex.com> To : "William Cox" <wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com> Date : Mon, 7 Mar 2011 14:18:23 -0800 Bill, I will first admit I don ??t understand the need to have a specific voltVar element, and further have no idea what units one might ascribe. Few resources can directly change their voltage (PV inverters perhaps being one of that small set), rather, they change their real and reactive power demands in all four quadrants which is then reflected in a voltage change as measured. The physics say as I have more inductive (and real) load, my voltage lowers. If I add capacitors, the reactive power needs from the network to meet my inductive load lessen and the voltage raises. For stability purposes, I think of nodes as either voltage-angle (V-theta) or real-reactive nodes (P-Q). either type allows me to derive the calculations for the other electrical properties (voltage, current, angle, real power, reactive power, complex power). Sorry for now, Aaron Aaron F. Snyder, Ph.D. Principal Consultant EnerNex Corporation 620 Mabry Hood Rd Ste 300 Knoxville, TN 37932 Office: +1 (865) 218-4600 x6147 Fax: +1 (865) 218-8999 Mobile: +1 (865) 274-6158 From: William Cox [ mailto:wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com ] Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 12:29 PM To: Aaron Snyder Cc: toby.considine@gmail.com Subject: Can you help? voltage regulation resource definition for EMIX Aaron -- I've been working with Toby trying to clean up and finalize the resource definitions in EMIX, and your expertise is needed. This is from < http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/EMIX-285 > http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/EMIX-285 on voltage regulation service. I've attached a one page word doc with only the cited section/table, and have followed the change instructions. But I don't think this is all that's needed. I know that Toby still has questions to fit this into a clean resource/product definition along with the rest. Could you give Toby a call at 919 619 2104 and/or mark the table up to what it should be and reply to this email? Thanks! bill 862 485 3696


    MangoTypes.pdf   71 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: [emix] Pulling the power together

    Posted 03-08-2011 19:43
    From CIM ElectricalProperties: Used to define either the required electrical properties of a type of asset or the actual electrical properties of an asset model.  An ElectricalTypeAsset or ElectricalAssetModel may have multiple ElectricalProperties associated with it, with the ElecTAElecPropRole/ElecAMElecPropRole defining which roles in the Asset these properties refer to. e.g. a Transformer TypeAsset or AssetModel will have an ElectricalProperties association for each winding. This can also be used to define ElectricalProperties for each phase individually by using the phases attribute thus allowing an ElectricalTypeAsset or ElectricalAssetModel to have an individual entry for each phase. Not every property will be required for each typeof ElectricalTypeAsset. e.g. a Transformer may only have requirments for ratedKV, ratedMVA and phases, while a LinearConductor will have r,x,b and g requirements per unitLength on top of a ratedAmps and ratedKV. Apparent Power: Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current (MegaVoltAmperes) Reactive Power: Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the quadrature component of the current (Megavoltamperes Reactive) VoltagePerReactivePower: Voltage variation with reactive power BasePower: The BasePower class defines the base power and base voltages that are used in the per unit calculations. PowerFactor: Ratio of ActivePower to ApparentPower     "If something is not worth doing, it`s not worth doing well" - Peter Drucker Toby Considine TC9, Inc TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com Phone: (919)619-2104 http://www.tcnine.com/ blog: www.NewDaedalus.com     From: Toby Considine [mailto:tobyconsidine@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Toby Considine Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 11:30 AM To: emix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [emix] Pulling the power together   PDF attached if you lose the formatting. Email attachments to bring comments back onto the list   What we have in EMIX is a few layers. A family of ways to contract: discrete purchases, option contracts (with associated performance terms) We have a layer of pricing options: price negotiations, price taking (w/ or w/o tiers) and a few odd-balls And then we have the low-level mangoes being bought and sold. It appears that we can eliminate the odd-balls by creating a rough taxonomy of mangoes as follows. Mango Taxonomy Yellow Red Green Energy Product Product Product Power Product Product Product If we can fill in the blanks, fully characterize the mangoes, then, I think we can eliminate the odd-balls and complete the power/resource side in EMIX. This suggestion aligns with Dr. Burns suggestions that we expand on the Reading Types as described in the NAESB PAP10 process. If understand the many helpful suggestions, we have so far focused on Yellow Yellow Real / Inductive / or just [power / energy] Red Voltvar, voltamps, Q, reactive [power/energy] Green Total / Complex [power/energy]   I am trying to fill out the product descriptions. I have recently sent out several requests about the Red column Mango Taxonomy Yellow Red Green Energy Volts Product Product Power Watts, Joules/second Product Product   Dr Snyder has recently sent me some encouraging, but not fully actionable (to me) suggestions, Both Marty AND Aaron have suggested that I take the scalar descriptors and abstract them elsewhere. 1.        xs:complexType name =" RealPowerUnitsType " ; why do we have to build a list here? Real power (P) has a base unit of Watts (W) or Joules/sec and a prefix multiplier (e.g., kilo/k, mega/M, giga/G, milli/m, etc.) Can this be simplified even further and get rid of the list? Same for Joules/sec. 2.        xs:complexType name =" ReactiveEnergyUnitsType " ; same comment as #1. Base unit is var-hours (VARh is one abbreviation), then a multiplier. 3.        xs:simpleType name =" VoltageUnitsType " ; I don’t understand the restriction for this type to V, kV, and MV; if they are kept, it is worth determining if kV or KV is more common (or pick the one from IEC CIM). 4.        xs:simpleType name =" VarUnitsType " ; ditto #3 5.        total/complex power unit: volt-ampere, VA 6.        real power unit: Watt, W 7.        reactive power unit: volt-ampere reactive, VAR 8.        total/complex energy unit: volt-ampere hour, Vah 9.        real energy unit: Watt-hour, Wh 10.    reactive energy unit: volt-ampere reactive hour, VARh   Few resources can directly change their voltage (PV inverters perhaps being one of that small set), rather, they change their real and reactive power demands in all four quadrants which is then reflected in a voltage change as measured.   The physics say as I have more inductive (and real) load, my voltage lowers. If I add capacitors, the reactive power needs from the network to meet my inductive load lessen and the voltage raises. For stability purposes, I think of nodes as either voltage-angle (V-theta) or real-reactive nodes (P-Q). either type allows me to derive the calculations for the other electrical properties (voltage, current, angle, real power, reactive power, complex power).       I think I am missing something here, something perhaps so obvious that others don’t see what I am missing…   Can we take this and turn this into something similar to 6 mangoes, each with   Quantity Scale Enumerated Unit-types   tc     “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” -- Upton Sinclair. Toby Considine TC9, Inc OASIS Technical Advisory Board TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com Phone: (919)619-2104 http://www.tcnine.com/ blog: www.NewDaedalus.com