OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (eMIX) TC

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  • 1.  Oops - Quality Warrant Schema miscues

    Posted 09-07-2011 22:54
    I the last week,  you (Aaron) pointed out that there is no connection between Quality Measures and a Quality Warrant. I agreed and added it as below                   < xs:complexType name =" PowerQualityWarrantType " mixed =" false ">                                 < xs:annotation >                                                 < xs:documentation > A Power Quality Warrant asserts or requires that the power be of a certain quality or better. This type extends the EMIX Quality Warrant for use in describing power. The Power Quality Warrant is a collection of the most commonly used Quality Measurements. Users who require a Quality Measure not on this list can extend the Quality Measure Type to create new Quality Measures. </ xs:documentation >                                 </ xs:annotation >                                 < xs:complexContent >                                                 < xs:extension base =" emix:QualityWarrantType ">                                                                 < xs:sequence >                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" emix:uid " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:measurementProtocol " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:qualityType " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" emix:side " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:qualityMeasure " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                 </ xs:sequence >                                                 </ xs:extension >                                 </ xs:complexContent >                 </ xs:complexType >     This was wrong. The emix:QualityWarrantType is, like most warrants a variety of a product. Recall the shorthand that a Product is a Product Description applied to a schedule. power:qualityMeasure is defined to fit in the role of the product description, i.e., to be applied to the schedule. (We warrant quality power throughout the day until evening, when its mostly wind power and we anticipate sags and flicker…) It is possible to create a schedule for quality, as it is for all other warrants. Quality measure is just the things we are using inside the schedule, which is already inherited.   Well, this is almost correct. An EMIXBase is the underlying object of the Description and the Schedule. A Product is the one that has sides, and transactive states and market contexts, etc. Tracing this change through reveled this same error in other warrants. They should all use the EMIXBase rather than the EMIX Product.   tc “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw. Toby Considine TC9, Inc TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com Phone: (919)619-2104 http://www.tcnine.com/ blog: www.NewDaedalus.com    

  • 2.  RE: Oops - Quality Warrant Schema miscues

    Posted 09-08-2011 01:51
    Good catch!   Can’t wait to review tomorrow.   Aaron   --------------------------------------------------------- Aaron F. Snyder , Ph.D. Principal Consultant EnerNe X p:   865.218.4600 ext. 6147  //  f:  865.218.8999 e:   aaron@enernex.com // www.enernex.com   From: Toby Considine [mailto:tobyconsidine@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Toby Considine Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 6:54 PM To: Aaron Snyder Cc: emix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Oops - Quality Warrant Schema miscues   I the last week,  you (Aaron) pointed out that there is no connection between Quality Measures and a Quality Warrant. I agreed and added it as below                   < xs:complexType name =" PowerQualityWarrantType " mixed =" false ">                                 < xs:annotation >                                                 < xs:documentation > A Power Quality Warrant asserts or requires that the power be of a certain quality or better. This type extends the EMIX Quality Warrant for use in describing power. The Power Quality Warrant is a collection of the most commonly used Quality Measurements. Users who require a Quality Measure not on this list can extend the Quality Measure Type to create new Quality Measures. </ xs:documentation >                                 </ xs:annotation >                                 < xs:complexContent >                                                 < xs:extension base =" emix:QualityWarrantType ">                                                                 < xs:sequence >                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" emix:uid " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:measurementProtocol " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:qualityType " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" emix:side " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                                 < xs:element ref =" power:qualityMeasure " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs =" 1 "/>                                                                 </ xs:sequence >                                                 </ xs:extension >                                 </ xs:complexContent >                 </ xs:complexType >     This was wrong. The emix:QualityWarrantType is, like most warrants a variety of a product. Recall the shorthand that a Product is a Product Description applied to a schedule. power:qualityMeasure is defined to fit in the role of the product description, i.e., to be applied to the schedule. (We warrant quality power throughout the day until evening, when its mostly wind power and we anticipate sags and flicker…) It is possible to create a schedule for quality, as it is for all other warrants. Quality measure is just the things we are using inside the schedule, which is already inherited.   Well, this is almost correct. An EMIXBase is the underlying object of the Description and the Schedule. A Product is the one that has sides, and transactive states and market contexts, etc. Tracing this change through reveled this same error in other warrants. They should all use the EMIXBase rather than the EMIX Product.   tc “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw. Toby Considine TC9, Inc TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com Phone: (919)619-2104 http://www.tcnine.com/ blog: www.NewDaedalus.com