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Time for recurring oBIX meetings - Please respond

  • 1.  Time for recurring oBIX meetings - Please respond

    Posted 06-14-2010 14:24
    To all active members. Observers are less important for this poll, but if you expect to regularly attend meetings, I need you to read and respond.
    I have a permanent conflict (well through year end) with the original oBIX meeting schedule. I am trying to find an optimum time for new meetings. To this end, I have set up a doodle poll. Doodle is a way to vote for schedules and determine availability.
    I have to pick particular dates to do a doodle poll. I have picked next week. I am not actually asking about next week, but about Monday through Friday availability generally. After we zoom in on some dates, we can have happy arguments about 3rd Tuesday of the month and similar issues. I have found doodle very useful for quickly determining the range of good times to have a meeting.
    The link to the poll for "Time for recurring oBIX meetings" at Doodle is:
    "If flies are allowed to vote, how meaningful would a poll on what to have for dinner be, and what would be on the menu?" -  Unknown
    Toby Considine
    Chair, OASIS oBIX Technical Committee
    OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    U.S. National Inst. of Standards and Tech. Smart Grid Architecture Committee 
    Facilities Technology Office
    University of North Carolina
    Chapel Hill, NC
    Email: Toby.Considine@ unc.edu
    Phone: (919)962-9073 
    blog: www.NewDaedalus.com