OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC

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PROPOSED AGENDA - Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC - 8 May 2015

  • 1.  PROPOSED AGENDA - Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC - 8 May 2015

    Posted 05-08-2015 14:54
    Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC 8 May 2015, 12:00pm EDT, 18:00 CET Call-In Information: US:+1 559 546 1700 Netherlands: +31 (0) 20 322 3001 Conference ID: 156598# Thanks to CalConnect for the conference call support. Chat: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ws-calendar DRAFT AGENDA 0. Roll call, Agenda review 1. Approval of minutes 2. FYI / announcements from Chair, Secretary, Liaison 3. Discussion - Review PIM WD15 Link: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55520&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar PIM WD15 Figures.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55515/PIM%20WD15%20Figures.zip PIM_WD15.xml.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55516/PIM_WD15.xml.zip PIM_WD15_20150422.eap.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55517/PIM_WD15_20150422.eap.zip ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.docx - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55518/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.docx ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15-diff-wrt-wd14.pdf - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55519/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15-diff-wrt-wd14.pdf ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.pdf - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55520/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.pdf - Vote on Committee Specification and Public Review for PIM If case we are in agreement: The TC wants to take the next step in the PIM work and release the current Working Draft 15 for a first Public Review. In order to start this, the TC motions to request the creation of a CSD 01 from the working draft 15 and request that the CSD 01 be released for a 30 day first public review. Motion ”TC resolves to issue OASIS WS-Calendar TC issue WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version 1.0 WD15 and its associated files packaged together in the WS_Calendar archive at  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55520&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar  as WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version x.x Committee Specification Draft xx and submit PIM Committee Specification Draft xx for a first 30 day public review.  We further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator, including but not limited to submission forms, to accomplish that issuance and public review as soon as practicable. We further direct that the PDF version of the specification is authoritative.” 4. Any Other Business We have a bi-weekly meeting schedule. Many of our members won't be able to participate on May 22 due to CalConnect XXXIII in Bucharest. Proposed next meeting date: June 5, 2015. 5. Adjourn --- Regards, Gershon Janssen

  • 2.  Re: [ws-calendar] PROPOSED AGENDA - Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC - 8 May 2015

    Posted 05-08-2015 15:33
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    Gershon - I added some text to the usual motions and posted in parallel with your email below. Please take a look prior to the meeting - there are some issues I (at least) don't know the answers to: (1) Would this be CSD 04? (CS01 was approved post-public review of CSD 03) (2) Is the review properly of only changes, or should the entire document be open? (3) Is the review required to be 30 day or 15 day as a minimum? As you see in the uploaded (and now attached to this email) draft, I've addressed these by directing the Chair to agree with TC Admin on those details.  These are procedural, not substantive issues. Thanks! bill -- 2014-10-29T13:47:00Z 1 34 196 1 1 229 14.0 X-NONE X-NONE William Cox   Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com   Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com   +1 862 485 3696 mobile     On 5/8/15 10:53 AM, Gershon Janssen wrote: Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC 8 May 2015, 12:00pm EDT, 18:00 CET Call-In Information: US:+1 559 546 1700 Netherlands: +31 (0) 20 322 3001 Conference ID: 156598# Thanks to CalConnect for the conference call support. Chat: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ws-calendar DRAFT AGENDA 0. Roll call, Agenda review 1. Approval of minutes 2. FYI / announcements from Chair, Secretary, Liaison 3. Discussion - Review PIM WD15 Link: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55520&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar PIM WD15 Figures.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55515/PIM%20WD15%20Figures.zip PIM_WD15.xml.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55516/PIM_WD15.xml.zip PIM_WD15_20150422.eap.zip - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55517/PIM_WD15_20150422.eap.zip ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.docx - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55518/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.docx ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15-diff-wrt-wd14.pdf - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55519/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15-diff-wrt-wd14.pdf ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.pdf - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55520/ws-calendar-pim-v1.0-wd15.pdf - Vote on Committee Specification and Public Review for PIM If case we are in agreement: The TC wants to take the next step in the PIM work and release the current Working Draft 15 for a first Public Review. In order to start this, the TC motions to request the creation of a CSD 01 from the working draft 15 and request that the CSD 01 be released for a 30 day first public review. Motion ”TC resolves to issue OASIS WS-Calendar TC issue WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version 1.0 WD15 and its associated files packaged together in the WS_Calendar archive at  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55520&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar  as WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version x.x Committee Specification Draft xx and submit PIM Committee Specification Draft xx for a first 30 day public review.  We further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator, including but not limited to submission forms, to accomplish that issuance and public review as soon as practicable. We further direct that the PDF version of the specification is authoritative.” 4. Any Other Business We have a bi-weekly meeting schedule. Many of our members won't be able to participate on May 22 due to CalConnect XXXIII in Bucharest. Proposed next meeting date: June 5, 2015. 5. Adjourn --- Regards, Gershon Janssen {
    tf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1347cocoasubrtf570 {fonttblf0fromanfcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;} {colortbl;
    ed255green255lue255;} margl1440margr1440vieww15680viewh11520viewkind0 pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640pardirnatural f0fs34 cf0 DRAFT MOTIONS WS-Calendar TC 20150508 Regular Meeting Voting Members: Dave Thewlis Mike Douglass Toby Considine William Cox Gershon Janssen QUORATE: YES/NO Motions on PIM Committee Specification Draft and Public Review based on PIM WD15 MOTION 1: By ; second I move that the OASIS WS-Calendar TC issue OASIS WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version 1.0 WD15 and its associated files packaged together in the WS-Calendar TC archive at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55623&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar as WS-Calendar Platform Independent Model (PIM) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 04 and further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable. We note that the previous Committee Specification Draft 03 was approved as Committee Specification 01 of which this is the first public review of a revision. We direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable and to eliminate any possible confusion of draft numbering, which the TC treats as non-substantive. We further direct that the PDF version of the specification is authoritative, the XMI file is normative, and that the EAP file is non-normative. We direct that any required change logs be produced by the Editor and Chair jointly. Roll call: Dave Thewlis Mike Douglass Toby Considine William Cox Gershon Janssen pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640pardirnatural cf0 Motion CARRIES/FAILS pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640pardirnatural cf0 MOTION 2 By ; second I move that the OASIS WS-Calendar TC submit OASIS WS-Calendar 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 04 (as possibly renumbered per Motion 1) contained in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=55623&wg_abbrev=ws-calendar for Public Review of no less than fifteen days or more than 30 days . The review period is to be decided jointly by the Chair and TC Administrator. We further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable. We request that the Public Review be of the work product changes since Committee Specification 01, and direct the Chair to jointly decide the review scope with the TC Administrator Discussion: 15-day review seems appropriate. The changes are well-localized, and concentrate on recurrence and availability. The changes are sufficient and substantive so they cannot be called Errata. TC should discuss. Roll call: pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640pardirnatural cf0 Dave Thewlis Mike Douglass Toby Considine William Cox Gershon Janssen pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640pardirnatural cf0 Motion CARRIES/FAILS }
