OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC

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Comments on WD03 - Duration

  • 1.  Comments on WD03 - Duration

    Posted 05-01-2010 13:41

    Dave cautioned us on overloading terms already used in iCalendar with well known specific meanings. In particular, we were discussing the general term for the thingy expressing a quantity  of time, and expressed in xml using the xs:duration data type, of which there are several instances.

    The problem is that one of those instances is the well-known iCalendar object “Duration”, which should therefore nto be the name of the class of objects….

    I propose TimeSegment as the over class.


    "Energy and persistence conquer all things." -- Benjamin Franklin

    Toby Considine
    TC9, Inc

    OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar

    TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop


    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com

    Phone: (919)619-2104


    blog: www.NewDaedalus.com