While considering creating some examples of intervals it occurred to me that we might need some sort of multi-put/update/delete. The model we've got for CalDAV and CalWs (REST and SOAP) is that of one resource per entity. That's fine but we can only create/update one per request. If we're dealing with a related set of entities as we will do in smart grid and probably project management (an entire project) then we probably want an atomic create/update/delete of all related entities. One approach might be wrappers for add/update/delete operations which turn them into a single transaction. For SOAP it's probably easy - just wrap all the SOAP messages in an envelope. Not so simple for CalDAV and REST as we need new operations -- Mike Douglass
douglm@rpi.edu Senior Systems Programmer Communication& Collaboration Technologies 518 276 6780(voice) 2809 (fax) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180