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  • 1.  Reminder: RSA OASIS IMI Interop Telecon - 1PM PT Monday 2010-02-01

    Posted 02-01-2010 18:03
    A reminder that our second weekly telecon for the OASIS IMI Interop at RSA is taking place today from 1-2PM PST, 4-5PM EST on the ICF telecon bridge (see information below). These calls will continue weekly throughout the month of February.

    The overall agenda is that Jane Harnad from OASIS will first walk us through an update on logistics, and then John Bradley will discuss technical scenarios and planning.

    Jane, John: feel free to reply to this email with more detailed agendas for your respective sections of the agenda.

    Talk to you on the call,




    1) Skype Number: +9900827047990866
    (this will connect you directly to the conference room)


    2) US/Canada Toll Number: +1-201-793-9022  7990866#


    3) US/Canada Toll-free Number: : +1-888-350-0075  7990866#
    (please use ONLY if you cannot connect via Skype or the toll number above):


    4) International Toll Number (follow this with the Conference Room Number: 7990866#)

    Austria (0820 401 15470)

    Belgium (0703 57 134)

    France (0826 109 071)

    Germany (0180 500 9527)

    Ireland (0818 270 968)

    Spain (902 885 791)

    Switzerland (0848 560 397)

    United Kingdom/Northern Ireland (0870 0990 931)

  • 2.  Re: Reminder: RSA OASIS IMI Interop Telecon - 1PM PT Monday 2010-02-01

    Posted 02-01-2010 18:06
    [Note: resending due to a mistyped email for Ashish Jain. Please send any responses to THIS email and not the last one. =Drummond]

    On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Drummond Reed <> wrote:
    A reminder that our second weekly telecon for the OASIS IMI Interop at RSA is taking place today from 1-2PM PST, 4-5PM EST on the ICF telecon bridge (see information below). These calls will continue weekly throughout the month of February.

    The overall agenda is that Jane Harnad from OASIS will first walk us through an update on logistics, and then John Bradley will discuss technical scenarios and planning.

    Jane, John: feel free to reply to this email with more detailed agendas for your respective sections of the agenda.

    Talk to you on the call,




    1) Skype Number: +9900827047990866
    (this will connect you directly to the conference room)


    2) US/Canada Toll Number: +1-201-793-9022  7990866#


    3) US/Canada Toll-free Number: : +1-888-350-0075  7990866#
    (please use ONLY if you cannot connect via Skype or the toll number above):


    4) International Toll Number (follow this with the Conference Room Number: 7990866#)

    Austria (0820 401 15470)

    Belgium (0703 57 134)

    France (0826 109 071)

    Germany (0180 500 9527)

    Ireland (0818 270 968)

    Spain (902 885 791)

    Switzerland (0848 560 397)

    United Kingdom/Northern Ireland (0870 0990 931)