Monday 2010-02-01 1-2PM PT
Patricia Wiebe
Tony Nadalin
John Bradley
Ron Carpinella
Drummond Reed
Ashish Jain
Jane Harnad
Phillip Kenney
Dale Olds
Mike McIntosh
Mike Jones
Paul Trevithick
Mary Ruddy
Matt Tebo
Rob Carraway
* She just received the exhibitor manual. She will send it to
the Interop mailing list. Drummond and/or Mary will then distribute it to the ICF
members who will be participating in the ICF presence as part of the show.
* Drummond asked about the setup hours on Monday. Jane said
that information is in the exhibitor’s manual. She said will send out a note
about the specific hours to the Interop mailing list tonight.
* Jane recommends keeping computer monitors within the 20”-24”
size range.
* Each participant in the IMI Interop (ICF counting as one
participant) will have an ~3-4’ table with two chairs.
* Mike asked if OASIS will be making the signs. Jane
confirmed that yes, OASIS will be making the signs.
* Jane will be sending out a floorplan for everyone to
* First, John explained that the core scenarios for the
Interop will be demonstrating the IMI 1.0
Profile published by the US GSA, by showing cards issued in conformance to
the profile accepted by RPs that are conforming to the profile.
* We discussed how “real” and “live” the demonstrations
would be. It was clarified that some LOA 1 RPs will be real and live, but all
LOA 2 and 3 scenarios will be demos because the IdPs have not been certified
for those levels yet.
* Ron confirmed that Equifax can do at least LOA 2 and may
be able to do LOA 3. The live LOA 2 service is for US citizens only (Ron thinks
it may expand to US residents soon). Ron also clarified that Canadian data is
separate, so Equifax cannot verify a Canadian citizen for the US government (yet).
* John mentioned that we don’t want to issue test cards that
will then be confused with real cards when the sites go live.
* In terms of RPs, Dale said he believe Novell wants to show
one. Ron said that he knows Equifax is interested in demonstrating an RP, but
he needs to confirm whether they can be ready by RSA.
* There is the need to show an issuer that issues the
correct claims but is not on the white list. To be specific, the scenario is to
show a card that contains an LOA 2 claim where the issuer is only certified at
LOA 1.
* John volunteered to collect the information and disemminate
the white list. For this demonstration, the assumption will be that this white
list information will be manually configured into each participant.
* Matt Tebo asked, on behalf of the GSA, how as an RP he can
test against the different IdP cards. The two pieces of information he needs
are: a) where can he get the card (URL), and b) who can he contact to ask
questions about the cards.
* The IdPs are currently PayPal, Equifax, BC Gov (LOA 1). Mike
M said that Azigo may be willing to set up a fake issuer if necessary to show
an LOA 2 or 3 example. If they did so they would also do LOA 1. John asked if
this Azigo card could do LOA 1, 2, and 3, as it would be nice to demonstrate
one card that does all three.
* Paul had a question for the RPs: in order to demonstrate
cards working on an iPhone, the RP needs to add a special link to its site that
puts the object tag in a URL format (an alternative invocation format). Matt
(for GSA) and Phillip (for CA) both said that they would be interested in
tackling this but AFTER they cover the “bread and butter” basics first.
* There was general agreement that we should hold a “pre-interop”
testing period the week before RSA. Matt proposed that we have a “dry run” on Friday
the 19th; there was consensus to use this date.
* We also agreed to the OSIS wiki and OSIS interop list for
further communications on techical scenarios and coordination (vs. interop
logistics and PR, for which we will use the OASIS reflector).
* Mike J asked that the highest priority information for the
wiki be: a) the URL to get a card, b) the endpoints at which it can be tested, c)
contact information for the person responsible, and d) a place for positive feedback.
(Negative feedback should go to the contact person.)
* Mike J clarified that Microsoft will be demonstrating
CardSpace 2.
# DRUMMOND will send an email to both the OASIS list of
direct participants and to the ICF list of indirect participants asking anyone
who will be involved with the technical scenarios in the interop to join the
OSIS mailing list and wiki.
# JOHN to post information about the OSIS wiki pages we will
be using to coordinate the technical scenarios in the Interop.
# JOHN to collect and post information about the white list
that will be used in the Interop.