We updated our server yesterday. Issues with test cases 9.2, 13.3, 15.1 and 15.3 should now be resolved. Please let me know whether you are seeing any issues with our supported test cases. Note: We do not create Fresh members in the Default Group on the fly. Fresh objects must be created before test case 15.1 is run. Regards, John ----------------------------------------------------------------------- John Leiseboer QuintessenceLabs Pty Ltd Chief Technology Officer Suite 23, Physics Building #38 Phone: +61 7 5494 9291 (Qld) Science Road Phone: +61 2 6125 9498 (ACT) Australian National University Mobile: +61 409 487 510 Acton ACT 0200 Fax: +61 2 6125 7180 AUSTRALIA Email:
jl@quintessencelabs.com www.quintessencelabs.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------