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  • 1.  The Thales KMIP server has been updated...

    Posted 01-31-2012 20:24
    All,   The Thales server has been updated with the following fixes: 1)       Fix for use cases 9.3 and 9.4 2)       AttributeIndex handling for KMIP 1.1. This should fix all the use cases that were reported failing due to AttributeIndex not being returned. 3)       GetAttributes on archived or destroyed objects now permitted (previously no information was returned) 4)       Added handling of ReKeyKeyPair for use cases 13.3 and 13.4   Supported use cases are:   ================================================================================= Use cases supported by the Thales Server for KMIP 1.0 are: ================================================================================= 3.1.1 - Create / Destroy 3.1.2 - Register / Create / Get attributes / Destroy 3.1.3 - Create / Locate / Get / Destroy 3.1.4 - Dual client use-case, ID Placeholder linked Locate & Get batch 3.1.5 - Register / Destroy Secret Data 3.2 - Asynchronous Locate 4.1 - Revoke scenario 5.1 - Get usage allocation scenario 6.1 - Import of a Third-party Key 7.1 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator false 7.2 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator true 8.1 - Create a Key Pair 8.2 - Register Both Halves of a Key Pair 9.1 - Create a Key, Re-key 9.2 - Existing Key Expired, Re-key with Same lifecycle 9.3 - Existing Key Compromised, Re-key with same lifecycle 9.4 - Create key, Re-key with new lifecycle 9.5 - Obtain Lease for Expired Key 10.1 - Create a Key, Archive and Recover it 11.1 - Credential, Operation Policy, Destroy Date 12.1 - Query, Maximum Response Size   ================================================================================= Use cases supported by the Thales Server for KMIP 1.1 are: ================================================================================= 3.1.1 - Create / Destroy 3.1.2 - Register / Create / Get attributes / Destroy 3.1.3 - Create / Locate / Get / Destroy 3.1.4 - Dual client use-case, ID Placeholder linked Locate & Get batch 3.1.5 - Register / Destroy Secret Data 3.2 - Asynchronous Locate 4.1 - Revoke scenario 5.1 - Get usage allocation scenario 6.1 - Import of a Third-party Key 7.1 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator false 7.2 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator true 8.1 - Create a Key Pair 8.2 - Register Both Halves of a Key Pair 9.1 - Create a Key, Re-key 9.2 - Existing Key Expired, Re-key with Same lifecycle 9.3 - Existing Key Compromised, Re-key with same lifecycle 9.4 - Create key, Re-key with new lifecycle 9.5 - Obtain Lease for Expired Key 10.1 - Create a Key, Archive and Recover it 11.1 - Credential, Operation Policy, Destroy Date 12.1 - Query, Maximum Response Size 12.2 - Query Vendor Extensions 13.1 - Asymmetric Register PKCS#1 13.2 - Asymmetric Register Certificate 13.3 - Create, Re-key Key Pair 13.4 - Register Key Pair, Certify and Re-certify Public Key 14.1 - Key Wrapping using AES Key Wrap and No Encoding 16.1 - Discover Versions 18.1 - Digests of Symmetric Keys   Bob L.   Robert A. (Bob) Lockhart Senior Solutions Architect THALES e-Security, Inc. 1655 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 ------------------------------------------------------- T :    +1 954 888 6245 (Direct) M :   +1 510 410 0585 F :    +1 408 457 7681 E : W :    

  • 2.  RE: The Thales KMIP server has been updated...

    Posted 01-31-2012 20:32
    Whoops, I got over zealous in my updates.  We didn’t add the Certify function so 13.4 is not a supported use case.   Sorry for the confusion but hopefully only momentary.   Bob L.   Robert A. (Bob) Lockhart Senior Solutions Architect THALES e-Security, Inc. 1655 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 ------------------------------------------------------- T :    +1 954 888 6245 (Direct) M :   +1 510 410 0585 F :    +1 408 457 7681 E : W :     From: [] On Behalf Of Lockhart, Robert Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:25 PM To: Subject: [kmip-interop-tech] The Thales KMIP server has been updated... Importance: Low   All,   The Thales server has been updated with the following fixes: 1)       Fix for use cases 9.3 and 9.4 2)       AttributeIndex handling for KMIP 1.1. This should fix all the use cases that were reported failing due to AttributeIndex not being returned. 3)       GetAttributes on archived or destroyed objects now permitted (previously no information was returned) 4)       Added handling of ReKeyKeyPair for use cases 13.3 and 13. 4 (13.4 Not Supported)   Supported use cases are:   ================================================================================= Use cases supported by the Thales Server for KMIP 1.0 are: ================================================================================= 3.1.1 - Create / Destroy 3.1.2 - Register / Create / Get attributes / Destroy 3.1.3 - Create / Locate / Get / Destroy 3.1.4 - Dual client use-case, ID Placeholder linked Locate & Get batch 3.1.5 - Register / Destroy Secret Data 3.2 - Asynchronous Locate 4.1 - Revoke scenario 5.1 - Get usage allocation scenario 6.1 - Import of a Third-party Key 7.1 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator false 7.2 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator true 8.1 - Create a Key Pair 8.2 - Register Both Halves of a Key Pair 9.1 - Create a Key, Re-key 9.2 - Existing Key Expired, Re-key with Same lifecycle 9.3 - Existing Key Compromised, Re-key with same lifecycle 9.4 - Create key, Re-key with new lifecycle 9.5 - Obtain Lease for Expired Key 10.1 - Create a Key, Archive and Recover it 11.1 - Credential, Operation Policy, Destroy Date 12.1 - Query, Maximum Response Size   ================================================================================= Use cases supported by the Thales Server for KMIP 1.1 are: ================================================================================= 3.1.1 - Create / Destroy 3.1.2 - Register / Create / Get attributes / Destroy 3.1.3 - Create / Locate / Get / Destroy 3.1.4 - Dual client use-case, ID Placeholder linked Locate & Get batch 3.1.5 - Register / Destroy Secret Data 3.2 - Asynchronous Locate 4.1 - Revoke scenario 5.1 - Get usage allocation scenario 6.1 - Import of a Third-party Key 7.1 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator false 7.2 - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator true 8.1 - Create a Key Pair 8.2 - Register Both Halves of a Key Pair 9.1 - Create a Key, Re-key 9.2 - Existing Key Expired, Re-key with Same lifecycle 9.3 - Existing Key Compromised, Re-key with same lifecycle 9.4 - Create key, Re-key with new lifecycle 9.5 - Obtain Lease for Expired Key 10.1 - Create a Key, Archive and Recover it 11.1 - Credential, Operation Policy, Destroy Date 12.1 - Query, Maximum Response Size 12.2 - Query Vendor Extensions 13.1 - Asymmetric Register PKCS#1 13.2 - Asymmetric Register Certificate 13.3 - Create, Re-key Key Pair 13.4 - Register Key Pair, Certify and Re-certify Public Key Not supported! 14.1 - Key Wrapping using AES Key Wrap and No Encoding 16.1 - Discover Versions 18.1 - Digests of Symmetric Keys   Bob L.   Robert A. (Bob) Lockhart Senior Solutions Architect THALES e-Security, Inc. 1655 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 ------------------------------------------------------- T :    +1 954 888 6245 (Direct) M :   +1 510 410 0585 F :    +1 408 457 7681 E : W :