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  • 1.  ReasonCode variation item

    Posted 12-20-2019 02:22
    AKLC-M-3-20 SKLC-M-3-20 AKLC-M-3-21 SKLC-M-3-21 These four test cases are attempting to perform a ModifyAttribute on the ActivationDate after an object has already transitioned into Active state. This is not permitted in the specification. In KMIP-2.0 we added an additional reason code WrongKeyLifecycleState to report precisely these sorts of issues as separate from the generic PermissionDenied ResultReason return. The specification itself does not list WrongKeyLifecycleState in the list of ResultReason values for the ModifyAttribute operation - however the specification itself does not state that the list of ResultReason values are the only values allowed to be returned from a failed operation - it does state that this as a the ResultReason values that SHALL be returned however so that point can be argued in both directions. Practically speaking those current lists of ResultReasons are definitely not a definitive list for each operation. Clearly the ResultReason list for AdjustAttribute, AddAttribute, DeleteAttribute, ModifyAttribute and SetAttribute all need additional values included. I believe that last year we simply accepted either ResultReason as valid for the purpose of the interop, but we also neglected to get this item sorted out at the TC level to adjust the specification (and the test cases) accordingly. Hopefully that provides enough detail for a discussion on today's call. Thanks, Tim.