FYI: Telecom Decision CRTC 2018-85 - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus report on a proposed wireless public alerting awareness and education campaign * In light of the above, the Commission approves the WPWG's consensus report regarding the WPA public awareness and education campaign. The Commission expects WSPs, for the first two years of WPA implementation, to * send a minimum of one text message per year to their LTE customers in regions where WPA test messages are being issued, and * provide all resources related to sending out these text messages and ensure that the content of the messages is consistent among WSPs. * The Commission notes that the WPA public awareness and education campaign will begin sufficiently in advance of the 6 April 2018 deadline for WSPs to implement WPA capability on their LTE networks. Accordingly, it is the Commission's intention to require WSPs to distribute public emergency alerts as of 6 April 2018. The start date will be confirmed in the Commission's decision on the CISC reports regarding the WPA test alert schedule and methodology.