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  • 1.  Re: FW: Questions regarding CAP (for wireless emergency alerts)

    Posted 07-14-2017 18:48
    Note, please double check the reference to eliminating the use of event codes for triggering WEA. Rex Hello Erica, Thanks for your patience. I've held off replying until after our latest CAP Subcommittee meeting, in which I took the action to draft a reply to you. Elysa will be replying separately in some detail to your questions beyond my own previous answers. However, your interest is timely from our perspective and we would like to engage you more thoroughly after the upcoming international CAP Workshop 2017 being held this September in Rome, Italy. Your specific interest in CAP guidance for WEA Alert Messages in the U.S. coincides with the broader topic of guidance for cell broadcast internationally which we will be raising in the CAP Workshop. Hence our wish to postpone discussions of guidance for WEA so that we can include it within the larger context of guidance for cell broadcast internationally. The topic is one that we want to include in the updated Practices Guide for CAP v1.2 we are working on, and plan to finish shortly after we absorb feedback from the CAP Workshop in early October. Additionally, based on feedback from the 2016 CAP Workshop, we are developing a list of event terms (including event codes) to enhance local, regional, national and international interoperability. Since NIST is responsible for maintaining US event codes, and there are upcoming changes eliminating the use of event codes for triggering of WEA messages, we think your input could be especially valuable for this work, and we would like to see if we can combine/coordinate these distinct discussions, event terms (including event codes) and short message cell broadcast guidance. Best Regards, Rex Brooks On 7/12/2017 6:26 AM, Kuligowski, Erica D. (Fed) wrote: Hello Rex –   Thank you very much for your quick responses to my questions. I really do appreciate it! And, thank you for Ccing Elysa on your reply, in case she has anything to add to your responses.   And, thank you also for suggesting that we arrange a mechanism to address your SC on the topic/question re: CAP parameters for the expansion of messages from 90 to 360 characters. I would be happy to discuss this further with the SC, if you and Elysa find that useful.   Thank you and I look forward to any additional correspondence on this – including a discussion about attending a future SC meeting.   Kind regards, Erica     Erica Kuligowski, PhD Leader, Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Group Fire Research Division Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland Phone: 301-975-2309   From: rexbroo [ mailto:rexb@starbourne.com ] Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 1:00 PM To: Kuligowski, Erica D. (Fed) <erica.kuligowski@nist.gov> ; Elysa Jones <ElysaJones@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: FW: Questions regarding CAP (for wireless emergency alerts)   Hi Erica, I am copying Elysa Jones with my reply here. I will answer you questions as best I can, but I am sure Elysa is more knowledgeable about these issues than I am. 1. We are working on an errata for CAP v1.2 and looking forward to a longer process for developing the next full version of CAP, which is likely to be CAP v2.0. That will almost undoubtedly take a year to 18 months if not more to complete. We are also working on an updated Practices Guide as an informational Committee Note aimed at Q4 2017, or Q1 2018. 2. I will bring this up to the CAP Subcommittee (SC) which meets this Friday, since we are working on an updated Practices Guide. As of now, we haven't included this topic in our current draft. 3. I will include this when I bring up the topic of WEA/cell broadcast guidance in the SC. I am sure our group will be interested in this topic since it also applies more widely to the international community where developing countries actually have a greater need for guidance for this kind of technology since cell broadcast often represents their frontline alerting capability rather than an adjunct to more widely implemented older broadcast media technologies. This just means it is more immediately important to them than it is in the more traditionally technologically developed countries. 4. This is another question that hasn't yet been explored in our group, so I can't provide an answer as such. However, it would be wise of us to listen to those, like you, who are actively exploring this topic, so if you have the time, and the ability through NIST, you might want to arrange to address our SC on this topic as a way to help us bnetter understand the need for such guidance as we can develop. So, I suggest coordinating with Elysa to arrange for a briefing to our SC or the overall Emergency Management Technical Committee on this topic. Sorry I couldn't provide better answers, bu this is an area we need to explore further before we can offer good guidance. Thanks for you interest, Rex   On 7/11/2017 8:16 AM, Kuligowski, Erica D. (Fed) wrote: Hello Mr. Brooks –   I sent an email with some questions to Elysa Jones, below. I am a researcher at NIST who has been working in the area of alerting and warning for buildings and communities for several years now. I am currently working on a project that focuses on providing guidance to communities on short message alerting – either via WEA or Twitter (since both messages are restricted in character length). I have some questions regarding CAP for WEA, below – and I am hoping that I can speak with you or someone from the OASIS EM TC. Would you be available to help with some of these questions? Or, perhaps I should wait to hear back from Elysa, if she is my appropriate contact? Or, is there is someone else I should contact regarding these questions? Any help would be greatly appreciated!   Thank you in advance and I very much look forward to your response.   Best, Erica   Erica Kuligowski, PhD Fire Protection Engineer and Sociologist Leader, Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Group Fire Research Division Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland Phone: 301-975-2309   From: Kuligowski, Erica D. (Fed) Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 2:40 PM To: ' elysajones@yahoo.com ' <elysajones@yahoo.com> Cc: Doermann, Jessie (Fed) <jessica.doermann@nist.gov> Subject: Questions regarding CAP (for wireless emergency alerts)   Hello Elysa –   I hope that this email finds you well! I am not sure if you remember me, but we met a few years ago at the NFPA 1616 meeting when I presented about some upcoming NIST research on the use of short message platforms for public alerting before/during disasters, including Twitter and wireless emergency alerts (WEAs). At NIST, we are currently working on reviewing literature on how the public responds to short messages – to eventually provide evidence-based guidance to the alerting community.   I am writing because we are very interested in the Common Alerting Protocol for WEAs. I have included a list of questions, below, that I am hoping you might be able to help us with. Would you have some time next week, perhaps, to have a brief phone call with us regarding our questions (below)? Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.   I know that OASIS developed a standard for CAP (version 1.2) in July 2010. Has there been an update of this standard since then?  ( https://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/CAP-v1.2-os.pdf ) Additionally, I have read through the standard and am aware that CAP can be used for many different applications/telecom methods. However, there are certainly character limitations, for example, if one was to use CAP for WEAs vs. NOAA WR or EAS warnings. Is there any special guidance or information for alert originators when using CAP for WEA? The reason I am asking is because I am trying to better understand the user-interface involved with using CAP for WEA – e.g., how does the user know how to best populate certain required elements/sub-elements when they have a character limit of 90 characters (for WEAs)? Related to my previous question, now that the FCC has released new regulations expanding WEA character lengths to 360 characters (for 4G-LTE and future networks), how would the CAP standard, its elements/sub-elements, or at least the templates for WEA change (if at all)? Finally, where in the CAP parameters would message provides (or alert originators) be able to expand their messages from 90 to 360 characters? Maybe via the “ description ” (i.e., An extended human readable description of the hazard or event that occasioned this message) or “ instruction ” (An extended human readable instruction to targeted recipients) elements? Do these elements (or others) offer an opportunity for alert originators to supply free form text?   Thank you in advance and I very much look forward to hearing from you. If you know of others at OASIS or elsewhere that we should be talking with about these questions, please let me know.   Thank you and kind regards, Erica   Erica Kuligowski, PhD Leader, Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Group Fire Research Division Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland Phone: 301-975-2309   -- Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Email: rexb@starbourne.com GeoAddress: 1361 Addison St. Apt. A Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-898-0670   Virus-free. www.avast.com   -- Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Email: rexb@starbourne.com GeoAddress: 1361 Addison St. Apt. A Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-898-0670

  • 2.  Re: [emergency-cap] Re: FW: Questions regarding CAP (for wireless emergency alerts)

    Posted 07-17-2017 18:02
    > Note, please double check the reference to eliminating the use of event > codes for triggering WEA. The reply looks good to send Rex, but I'd just change the word "eliminating" to "regarding" as we don't know the actual changes yet at this point. -- Jacob Westfall <jake@jpw.biz>

  • 3.  Re: [emergency-cap] Re: FW: Questions regarding CAP (for wireless emergency alerts)

    Posted 07-17-2017 18:53
    Thanks Jake, Will do. On 7/17/2017 11:02 AM, Jacob Westfall wrote: Note, please double check the reference to eliminating the use of event codes for triggering WEA. The reply looks good to send Rex, but I'd just change the word eliminating to regarding as we don't know the actual changes yet at this point. -- Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Email: rexb@starbourne.com GeoAddress: 1361 Addison St. Apt. A Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-898-0670 Virus-free. www.avast.com