Hi Don,
my feedback to your flyer draft:
- I my honest opinion is that too many different fonts and font faces
are used. I propose to reduce the number of used fonts. My favor is to
use only one font - the one which is used in the title with different
font faces.
- My impression is that the used cliparts are to fancy/freaky which
makes the flyer to look too less professional. I propose to choose
cliparts which do not use soo much different colors and which have no
special backgrounds. Unfortunately, I have no alternatives at hand.
- Please replace "OpenOffice" by "OpenOffice.org".
- Please mention also product "Oracle Open Office" - another
implementation based on OpenOffice.org
- Do we really have 8 independent implementations?
I am counting 7
1. KOffice
2. lpod
3. ODF Toolkit
4. OpenOffice.org, IBM Lotus Symphony, Novell Go-OO, Oracle Open Office
5. Maemo
6. Freoffice
7. OFS
Best regards, Oliver.
On 08/16/10 04:40 PM, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com wrote:
> Jane and Interop Demo Team:
> Here's a draft of the flyer which I put together over the weekend.
> Nothing fancy, I am NOT a graphic designer, as you can see. If you don't
> like the clipart, send me something better. It just needs to be
> copyright free, and no charge.
> If there is an eps file of the KOffice logo, that would improve it. Same
> thing for the lpOD and Maemo.org banners..which I just grabbed off the web.
> If we want to tweak the Louvre Labs scenario bullets we can do that
> after our call tomorrow...
> The clock is ticking on this... I need to get the final version to the
> OO.o Con host leaders by Wed. or Thurs. at the latest. They have agreed
> to include this in the printing of the final conference programme book,
> so we won't have to print the flyer separately, and then have someone
> manually insert it in the printed programme books.
> Don Harbison
> Program Director, IBM ODF Initiative
> Tel. +1-978-399-7018
> Mobile: +1-978-761-0116
> Email: donald_harbison@us.ibm.com
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ORACLE http://www.oracle.com
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann | Oracle Open Office and ODF Standardization
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