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DRAFT: ODF Interop Demo Flyer

  • 1.  DRAFT: ODF Interop Demo Flyer

    Posted 08-16-2010 14:38
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    ODF Interop Flyer.pdf   313 KB 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [odf-interop-tech] DRAFT: ODF Interop Demo Flyer

    Posted 08-17-2010 10:28
    Hi Don,
    my feedback to your flyer draft:
    - I my honest opinion is that too many different fonts and font faces 
    are used. I propose to reduce the number of used fonts. My favor is to 
    use only one font - the one which is used in the title with different 
    font faces.
    - My impression is that the used cliparts are to fancy/freaky which 
    makes the flyer to look too less professional. I propose to choose 
    cliparts which do not use soo much different colors and which have no 
    special backgrounds. Unfortunately, I have no alternatives at hand.
    - Please replace "OpenOffice" by "OpenOffice.org".
    - Please mention also product "Oracle Open Office" - another 
    implementation based on OpenOffice.org
    - Do we really have 8 independent implementations?
    I am counting 7
    1. KOffice
    2. lpod
    3. ODF Toolkit
    4. OpenOffice.org, IBM Lotus Symphony, Novell Go-OO, Oracle Open Office
    5. Maemo
    6. Freoffice
    7. OFS
    Best regards, Oliver.
    On 08/16/10 04:40 PM, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > Jane and Interop Demo Team:
    > Here's a draft of the flyer which I put together over the weekend.
    > Nothing fancy, I am NOT a graphic designer, as you can see. If you don't
    > like the clipart, send me something better. It just needs to be
    > copyright free, and no charge.
    > If there is an eps file of the KOffice logo, that would improve it. Same
    > thing for the lpOD and Maemo.org banners..which I just grabbed off the web.
    > If we want to tweak the Louvre Labs scenario bullets we can do that
    > after our call tomorrow...
    > The clock is ticking on this... I need to get the final version to the
    > OO.o Con host leaders by Wed. or Thurs. at the latest. They have agreed
    > to include this in the printing of the final conference programme book,
    > so we won't have to print the flyer separately, and then have someone
    > manually insert it in the printed programme books.
    > Don Harbison
    > Program Director, IBM ODF Initiative
    > Tel. +1-978-399-7018
    > Mobile: +1-978-761-0116
    > Email: donald_harbison@us.ibm.com
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    ORACLE http://www.oracle.com
    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann | Oracle Open Office and ODF Standardization
    Phone: +49 40 23646 500
    Oracle Office GBU
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Nagelsweg 55 | 20097 Hamburg
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
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    Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven

  • 3.  RE: [odf-interop-tech] DRAFT: ODF Interop Demo Flyer

    Posted 08-17-2010 10:51
    > - My impression is that the used cliparts are to fancy/freaky which
    > makes the flyer to look too less professional. I propose to choose
    > cliparts which do not use soo much different colors and which have no
    > special backgrounds. Unfortunately, I have no alternatives at hand.
    Perhaps  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page can be helpful
    (of course, do check the license)
    And no doubt Nokia's marketing department will have some very nice
    pictures of the N900 (probably IBM can use Lenovo's  ?)
    If not, does someone has CorelDraw ? They used to include a truckload
    of free clipart (also sold separately) that can be used for commercial
    purposes as well. No sure if this is still the case.
    Just my 2 cents,