Title: New Issue Conceptual - Citizen Empowerement Framework Hi Peter, Yes the point is the same (but on a different diagram) Regards Nig Nig Greenaway Government Division FUJITSU SERVICES Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147 E-mail:
nig.greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com Web:
http://uk.fujitsu.com Fujitsu Services Limited, Registered in England no 96056, Registered Office 22 Baker Street, London, W1U 3BW This e-mail is only for the use of its intended recipient. Its contents are subject to a duty of confidence and may be privileged. Fujitsu Services does not guarantee that this e-mail has not been intercepted and amended or that it is virus-free. From: Peter F Brown [mailto:
peter@peterfbrown.com] Sent: 28 February 2011 19:55 To: Greenaway Nigel Cc: 'TGF TC List ' Subject: Issue Conceptual - Citizen Empowerement Framework - closed Nig: This is the same issue as you raised on line 909, correct? (Issue 7 –open) If so, over to Chris as regards the diagram at line 393 (presumably referring to the CE F ) Text in line 604 amended Peter From: Greenaway Nigel [mailto:
Nig.Greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com] Sent: Monday, 28 February, 2011 04:21 To: TGF TC List Subject: [tgf] New Issue Conceptual - Citizen Empowerement Framework Line 393 The CEP must also support service innovation for Business-to-Government Line 604 As above Regards Nig Nig Greenaway Government Division FUJITSU SERVICES Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147 E-mail:
nig.greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com Web:
http://uk.fujitsu.com Fujitsu Services Limited, Registered in England no 96056, Registered Office 22 Baker Street, London, W1U 3BW This e-mail is only for the use of its intended recipient. Its contents are subject to a duty of confidence and may be privileged. Fujitsu Services does not guarantee that this e-mail has not been intercepted and amended or that it is virus-free.