Hi John, No problem. I feel that it is different (in the UK case at least)as it is opening up a number of services to a range of non-government providers who will need to have supporting systems that comply with wider government models (e.g. to allow removal of non-performing organisations whilst maintaining continuity of service). It is a different requirement to those in the ICT strategy (the example quoted) and will be achieved (or not) by a different set of stakeholders with a different set of goals. Regards Nig Nig Greenaway Government Division FUJITSU Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147 E-mail:
nig.greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com Web:
http://uk.fujitsu.com From: John Borras [mailto:
johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 23 November 2011 16:59 To: Greenaway Nigel Cc: 'TGF TC List' Subject: RE: [tgf] POLICY PRODUCTS DOCUMENT Sorry to keep probing but do you see this as different from what we have in the first Cell at the moment? Policy Product Description Cross Government Vision for Customer Service Transformation A clear description of the desired future state for more effective and efficient service delivery, which is endorsed at the highest political and administrative levels of the government. John From:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Greenaway Nigel Sent: 23 November 2011 16:53 To: John Borras Cc: TGF TC List Subject: RE: [tgf] POLICY PRODUCTS DOCUMENT Hi John, My understanding is that Governments MUST use the matrix but not necessarily have all the entries in it in place – The PL states “ Identify, for each and every cell in the matrix, the policy product(s) that are needed to deliver the Transformational Program effectively. Nil, one, or multiple policy product(s) may be required per cell. Consideration MUST be given to every cell as to which policy products might be included. ”. When I got UK Government to look at the old CSTransform matrix there were a couple of entries that it was deemed (rightly in their circumstances in my view) that they didn’t need – the point was that they had considered them. Thus, I wouldn’t see every government producing a ‘direction’ paper but if they are considering changes of the magnitude proposed by the UK Government, all their stakeholders must be kept informed on progress as otherwise projects will run that will need reworking at least but may become irrelevant before they are delivered. My second suggestion also plays into this theme of keeping people apprised of progress to save duplication, waste of resources etc. Regards Nig Nig Greenaway Government Division FUJITSU Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147 E-mail:
nig.greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com Web:
http://uk.fujitsu.com From: John Borras [mailto:
johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 23 November 2011 14:37 To: Greenaway Nigel Cc: 'TGF TC List' Subject: RE: [tgf] POLICY PRODUCTS DOCUMENT Nig Do you see this as a mandatory Policy Product, in other words we would insist that every TGF programme produces one? We need to be careful to differentiate between good advice and guidance and what the conformance criteria of the Pattern Language says about considering the Policy products. John From:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Greenaway Nigel Sent: 23 November 2011 13:14 To: John Borras; TGF TC List Subject: RE: [tgf] POLICY PRODUCTS DOCUMENT Hi John, I agree with the earlier comments from Chris and Colin. On further documents to add in, I think there needs to be some guidance on the direction that governments are moving in a business/political sense (e.g. Open Public Services in the UK -
http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/resource-library/open-public-services-white-paper - which will dramatically change the public sector business/ICT Landscape and increase the number of stakeholders – failure to address such structural changes will result in divergence of a lot of ‘government’ systems) {Cell 2.1 for direction of travel, Cell 2.3 for detail (when available in the UK case)} and a repository for collaborating on progress being made (or even planned) {Cell 5.3} to encourage collaboration/reuse. In the UK, this will be instanced by an Open Standards process (expected in early -2012) Regards Nig Nig Greenaway Government Division FUJITSU Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147 E-mail:
nig.greenaway@uk.fujitsu.com Web:
http://uk.fujitsu.com From:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
tgf@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of John Borras Sent: 22 November 2011 16:29 To: 'TGF TC List' Subject: [tgf] POLICY PRODUCTS DOCUMENT Attached is where I have got to so far with the draft Committee Note on the Policy Products. I’d appreciate an early view of whether this is along the right lines or not to save me wasting any more time if it’s wrong. Specifically: 1. Is it the correct format or do you have an alternative idea on how to construct the CN? 2. Do you have ideas on any other Products that should be added to the list? So far I’ve leaned heavily on what Chris and I produced some time ago for CS Transform but accept that may not be the complete list. 3. Quoting URLs for examples is always dangerous as they are probably not persistent. Should we use them or just the title of the document and let readers find the latest version using their search engines? 4. Is there anything else we need to say in this document about Policy Products in general and/or their usage in a TG program? If everyone is content with this approach I’ll complete the tables with descriptions and more examples and register this as new Committee Note Draft with TC Admin. All contributions/views welcomed. John Unless otherwise stated, this email has been sent from Fujitsu Services Limited, from Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, or from Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, together "Fujitsu". This email is only for the use of its intended recipient. Its contents are subject to a duty of confidence and may be privileged. Fujitsu does not guarantee that this email has not been intercepted and amended or that it is virus-free. Fujitsu Services Limited, registered in England No 96056, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, registered in England No 03808613, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, registered in England No 2548187, registered office Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7YU. Unless otherwise stated, this email has been sent from Fujitsu Services Limited, from Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, or from Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, together "Fujitsu". This email is only for the use of its intended recipient. Its contents are subject to a duty of confidence and may be privileged. Fujitsu does not guarantee that this email has not been intercepted and amended or that it is virus-free. Fujitsu Services Limited, registered in England No 96056, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, registered in England No 03808613, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, registered in England No 2548187, registered office Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7YU. Unless otherwise stated, this email has been sent from Fujitsu Services Limited, from Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, or from Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, together Fujitsu . This email is only for the use of its intended recipient. Its contents are subject to a duty of confidence and may be privileged. Fujitsu does not guarantee that this email has not been intercepted and amended or that it is virus-free. Fujitsu Services Limited, registered in England No 96056, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu (FTS) Limited, registered in England No 03808613, registered office 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW. Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited, registered in England No 2548187, registered office Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7YU.