Hi Friedrich, Thanks for the interesting question. I see here two different design approaches: The alternative images within the frame are full components to be counted in the component tree of the context The alternative images are property of the frame/image and are being altered without changing the following context The pro of the first is that there is no special context handling for draw:image when parsing the XML to be added to a parser, every draw:image will become a component. On the other hand, this context exception is likely to occur already for text:p (paragraphs), which are not in the text flow, as in comments/annotations and in general being shown floating aside of the text at the page margin (in AOO/LO they are called Notes). But the con of the first is that the transition to other formats as HTML/OOXML is difficult, as they are not supporting this approach for images. Before a transition to these formats the operations need to be altered, which seems rather more difficult as the first problem. Therefore I currently tend very much to the second approach. Other opinions and aspects of this scenario from the other members? Best regards, Svante Am 24.04.2014 19:42, schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau: Hi, I am still not up-to-date with the state of discussion, but getting there slowly. Today the question came up how to address content inside frames with the concepts of MCT. Or how frames are mapped to the concepts in MCT in general, The latest draft hints to me that frames (or rather their content) are mapped to components: --- 8< --- 2. Component Common disjoint component within a document, e.g. image --- 8< --- In ODF 1.2 §10.4.1 General (about Frames ) it says --- 8< --- A frame is a container for enhanced content like text boxes, images or objects. A frame may contain multiple renditions of content. A consumer may choose the representation that it supports best. [...] Each child element of a frame is a different representation of the same content. The order of content elements reflects the document author's preference for rendering, with the first child element being preferred. --- 8< --- from
http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html#a10_4_1General Or the RNG for ODF 1.2 has: --- 8< --- <define name= draw-frame > <element name= draw:frame > <!-- ... --> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <ref name= draw-text-box /> <ref name= draw-image /> <ref name= draw-object /> <ref name= draw-object-ole /> <ref name= draw-applet /> <ref name= draw-floating-frame /> <ref name= draw-plugin /> <ref name= table-table /> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> --- 8< --- Question: So I have a <draw:frame> with inside first a <draw:object> (e.g. holding another <office-document>) and then a <draw:text-box> as fallback. How would I address text and text containers or even other framed objects/components inside the <draw:text-box>? In other words, how are the alternative contents of a frame translated into the Meta Components lingo and how would they be addressed, to then address their content? Cheers Friedrich --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: