That sounds good. I am happy also to contribute all the examples I have for Puccini and Turandot: Many of them involve custom profiles, though Puccini's "tosca" directory is a showcase of grammar features and doesn't use any extra profiles. (It does use Simple Profile types, sometimes, just for example.) The profiles used: (Turandot uses a much more advanced version of the Kubernetes profile. I will eventually merge the two and preferably host this in the open community repository.) Also note that all the Puccini examples are available for live compilation if you press the "load example" combo here: On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 3:42 PM Chris Lauwers < > wrote: I have had a couple of requests over the last week for example TOSCA service templates . I d like to point people to our open github repo, but unfortunately we only have profile definitions there for the time being, not example services. However, we do have a number of Application Modeling examples in Chapter 11 of the 1.3 specification. Since that chapter is no longer part of the (normative) spec (we moved into the non-normative introduction document) I was hoping we could move these examples to the open github repo. Any objections? Thanks, Chris