OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC

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OpenStack Vancouver vBrownbag "TOSCA Workloads with OpenStack Heat-Translator"

  • 1.  OpenStack Vancouver vBrownbag "TOSCA Workloads with OpenStack Heat-Translator"

    Posted 05-28-2015 23:13
    Here is the Video link to the vBrownbag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84N7ijvOyk0 (Sahdev ate a large share of the allotted time so I had to go fast, so I give him a hard time about this) Here is a SlideShare link on YouTube to the vBrownbadg Sahdev and I presented at the OpenStack Vancouver summit: http://www.slideshare.net/SahdevZala/open-stack-vancouver-heattranslator-vbrownbag20150521 The Powerpoint for these slides used I posted already to the TC Kavi "working documents" folder.