OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC

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TOSCA and Paul Lipton Candidacy for OASIS Board of Directors

  • 1.  TOSCA and Paul Lipton Candidacy for OASIS Board of Directors

    Posted 06-16-2018 21:28
    Hi TOSCA-teers,   Some of you may have noticed (or heard me mention during our last TC meeting) that I am running for reelection to the OASIS Board of Directors. I want to reassure you that my commitment to TOSCA remains undiminished. In fact, my continuing experiences as TOSCA Co-Chair, working with nearly 200 consumers of the evolving OASIS process, infrastructure, and other support systems, as well as my experience as a current OASIS Director impels me to again offer my service to the OASIS membership.   It is more important than ever for OASIS to continue improving the speed and agility of its process and tools while maintaining its well-deserved reputation for fairness and openness in an increasingly competitive international standards arena. In the arena of open source, the OASIS Repositories were a great first step forward, but a steady hand and experience will be needed as OASIS moves forward with additional member options in 2018.   In short, TOSCA-teers, I know that you care about TOSCA and the standards developing organization that TOSCA lives in, so please urge your Primary/Secondary Voting Representative to vote right now. You can find your organization’s primary and secondary voting representatives at the link for "My Company" (2) below.     Of course, I hope that you support my candidacy (and that you would urge others to do the same). Feel free to peruse my platform (1).  By the way, it is perfectly appropriate to vote for the same candidate in both the Board Annual Election (3) and the Special Election for a single, limited one year seat (4).   Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to drop me a line. It is important that every organization exercise its right to vote!   Paul Lipton platform – https://www.oasis-open.org/private/elections/2018board/lipton.php   Your own organization’s voting contact(s) – https://www.oasis-open.org/higherlogic/ws/my_company   Board Annual Election Ballot – https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=3214   Board Special Election Ballot - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=3215   Thanks in advance, Paul