ciao ragazzi! sorry for the connection problems towards the end but thanks for the great presentation also on behalf of the TOSCA TC! We ll take all the info in and hopefully be able to get back to you soon! Plz share the slides of course :) thanks again! D. Damian Andrew Tamburri, Ph.D. Associate Professor TU/e - JADS - Sint Janssingel 92, s Hertogenbosch Room 2.18, 2nd Floor Email: Cell: +39 3491279924 Executive Director, Jheronimus Academy Data & Engineering (JADE) Lab Secretary, OASIS Topology and Orchestration for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Standard Technical Committee Secretary, IFIP - WG 2.14 / 6.12 / 8.10 on Service-Oriented Systems Associate Editor & Online Presence Director, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology (TOSEM) Attachment: smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature